goldenboy1's Profile

goldenboy1's Posts

Re: Presentation Webcast - Dave in Swiss

Thanks for posting. Dave is moving forward, very positive as to what he has and to the potential.

Interersting to note that they will be drilling on some of the other properties, owning more land and keeping th volume of outstanding shares low.

A bit of fresh air in an other wise dismal last couple of days.

over 10 years ago
Re: Kaiser slams Mike Hocking from Scotiabank - Rosehill, please check your PM

Lets forget about what Hocking thinks. We know he is off base and dropped the ball. What counts now is the 43-101. The good results in June from the drilling of the HGZ to prove Dave right and the PEA in Q3.

Also just because Amigo-Eagle might of sided with Yamana doesn't mean they have lost interest in PRB.

over 10 years ago
Re: I believe we have seen this before

Very nice chart. Was this not in the days of Bre-x? Are investors a bit more cautious? But a nice moon shot like that would be great.

over 10 years ago
Re: PDAC - 8 drills on ice-Pictures of drills

Boy I hope with all those drills, trucks, snowmobiles on the ice that they are being enviornmentally responsible. I would hate to see both machine and human waste polute the cool clean water of borden lake. I would hate to see fish belly in my favoriate fishing hole next summer.

over 10 years ago
Re: From Stockwatch...

does anyone know what this quote from the release means

"Although the HGZ mineralization displays remarkable consistency along strike, it is anticipated that any future Resource Estimates will employ a top-cut in their calculation. Depths of the mineralized zones are between 380 and 660 metres vertical depth. All intervals approximate true width. "

Does this mean these values will not be included in the resource estimate. Is this why John Kaiser estimates are lower than we are hoping for?

over 10 years ago
Re: From Stockwatch...

Can anyone explain the follow quote from the press release.

"Although the HGZ mineralization displays remarkable consistency along strike, it is anticipated that any future Resource Estimates will employ a top-cut in their calculation. Depths of the mineralized zones are between 380 and 660 metres vertical depth"

Does this mean that these results will not be included because they are not part of the "top cut".

Could this be why John Kaiser estimates are lower than we expect.

over 10 years ago
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