golden kiwi's Profile

New Zealander running engineering company in Brazil, investing profits in the junior mining and precious metals sector

golden kiwi's Posts

Master plan is underway

The latest news release seems to me to confirm that Kimber is going to put Monterde into production shortly and bypass pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.

The release states:

"Kimber is currently reviewing the potential to take Monterde into production with reduced capital expenditure and a focus on high grade gold and silver production"

They seem to be in the process of rehabilitating the old mine so they can take out some high grade ore for a small, low cost mill and start generating cashflow to fund future expansion of resources and production.

This cash flow would be great, because we would no longer require expensive loans from Sprott or financings and low share price.

We are definitely at the point of capitulation with the share price. I may feel like puking, but that feeling confirms that this is the time to buy.

Go Kimber!!!

over 11 years ago
Business Models

I would encourage you all to check out Gold Resource Corp an Santa Cruz Silver Mining Ltd

Both companies have gone into production based on confidence in their PEAs and without a pre-feasibility or feasibility study. They have done so with low capex 10-20 million for a small initial operation, then built up production and expanded exploration and propery purchases from the cash flow. Gold resources even pays a dividend.

They are fantastic business models, and I think Jim Puplava and Keith Barron have this in mind for Kimber.

Go Kimber!!!

over 11 years ago
Keep up the good work JP

The interview with Keith Barron was a great way to communicate your thoughts on Kimber to the rest of us. We know you cannot say anything directly as you are chairman of the board, so this indirect way is brilliant.

There has been a lack of communication in the past from Kimber management to shareholders.

But your radio show is a great platform to share your thoughts. And inviting Keith Barron on to talk about mining is brilliant because then we all know you are referring to or thinking about Kimber in a lot of the discussion.

That kind of communication is very much appreciated from me, a long suffering investor.


Golden Kiwi

over 11 years ago
You say it best, when you say nothin at all...

I am sure there is a song by Ronan Keating that goes something like #You say it best, when you say nothin at all...#

There was a great interview this weekend on financial sense between Jim Puplava (chairman of the board) and Keith Barron (board member).

They don't mention Kimber by name, but you can bet Kimber is on their minds as they discuss junior mining. Everything they talk about relates very well to the Kimber situation.

Jim talked about the old model where junior companies prove up as many ounces in the ground as possible is over. Hmmm....I am pretty sure that was his bright idea back in 2006 when he overthrew the existing kimber baord and management. And it never quite worked out that kimber could prove up 3-5 million ounces.

But we are where we are now. All water under the bridge. We have a smaller deposit that is high grade, and Jim talks about these deposits being the way to go in future. Hmmm, I don't think we got into this situation by good management. But let's go with what we've got

Loved the discussion relating to just going into production without a pre-feasability or feasibility study. I think you are dead right Jim when you say the market just does not care for these studues, especially when they take years to complete. And Kimber management has already proved they are not great at getting these studies completed on time.

It would be simply brilliant if they could get Kimber into production within 12-18 months and bypass those studies. Monterde has more holes drilled in it than swiss cheese. We know the gold and silver is there. Lets just start getting it out of the ground, get some cashflow and use it to build an empire through mergers and acquisitions and pay us some dividends.

JP certainly has enough skin in the game and "financial sense" to organise this, especially with the help of keith barron. But I do wish the Kimber CEO had more skin in the game. A few token share purchases here and there is not good enough.

He should personally own millions of shares bought with his own money. Otherwise where is the passion and committment to make this thing work. I hope his performance (delays with resource estimate, woeful share price performance) and lack of financial committment will be addressed in any upcoming changes in the company.

But most of all, I look forward to seeing JP and KB putting this fast route to production in action.

Go Kimber!!!

over 11 years ago
Re: Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

I am now confident enough to start buying again after years on the sidelines. With an average price of $0.70, I am now averaging down.

Go Kimber!!!!

over 11 years ago
Re: Puplava New Chairman of the Board, Barron Returns

I must say that I am happy to see some changes. JP must really believe in this assest, and for a man who does his homework, that is a good thing.

Cost reductions are good. I hope the CEO took at least a 40% cut, as he should be rewarded mainly from share price appreciation. For too long he has taken a big salary and bought next to no shares himself. He needs more skin in the game.

Being a large shareholder, JP has plenty of skin in the game and he is obviously hurting like the rest of us. Great to see him taking over as president of the board, and even better that we have keith barron back.

My guess is the current CEO was put in place for his background in finance thinking those skills would be handy for all the mergers and acquisitions they would like to do in future. However, I think they forget about getting the basics of good geological data in place first. I think it would have been better to have a CEO with a background in geology or mining to lead us through the resource definition phase. Instead, we had a disaster of a resource update process taking way too long and coming up way short of expectations.

With the share price so depressed and the need for financing, the Sandstrom type model of financing where a portion of future production is sold seems to me to be the best option. But Sandstorm also like to have a CEO in place who has been there and done that before they will give out any money. Fair enough too. Hopefully having Keith Barron on the board will give the financiers confidence that management has the goods to take this asset to a production decision.

So in summary, not happy to be in our current position, but happy to see some much needed changes and a better direction for the future.

Golden Kiwi

over 11 years ago
golden kiwi
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