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Not waiting around for the reverse split on this one

Kimber continues to acknowledge exchange problems regarding share price and listing requirement. The weak explanation from Kimber apologists is naked shorting. As I've stated before, this price is so cheap, management people with some resolve could buy in huge volume for relatively little money and attempt to stabilize. But, no go.

One way to solve the listing problem is a big reverse split. I'm not waiting around for that.

Sold some more today and had my final block ready to go, but no takers. Come next week, I'm trying to ram the rest of this loser out the door.

It's a considerable loss on the position, but I might as well save my remaining couple of bucks, rather than see the poorly managed company take all of it away slowly but surely with a further decline to zero -- or a reverse split that all but eliminates any chance of recapturing lost money.

Good luck to remaining longs. History says you're going to need it.

over 11 years ago
Market not impressed with Kimber potential

Let's see, Kimber announced its board shakeup in an April 18 news release. Stock closed at .21 that day.

Kimber closed at .25 April 22. It closed at .14 May 13.

I'd call that a worse than lukewarm reaction.

The optimism that Kimber will leap into production, skipping traditional intermediate steps, fails to account for how Kimber will raise the money to do so.

I guess this could be a misunderstood success story in waiting. I also guess that could have been said all the way down from a $1-plus share price not that awful long ago.

Griping about naked shorts and the like isn't going to feed the bulldog, just like gold bulls whining about price manipulation by the COMEX et al seems to accomplish squat.

I'm just glad I was able to get ride of half my position at what turns out to be a 50 percent higher price. I wish I'd sold it all. I also wish I could share the optimism of some posters here, but to be realistically optimistic one has to have occasional reinforcement in the way of positive moves and events. Kimber is producing neither.

That crashing share price speaks volumes. If it's just naked shorters, and Kimber is such a great prospect, a larger mining company, a producer, theoretically could scoop up the shares cheaply in the open market and have it all for under $12 million U.S. per Yahoo financial numbers. I know, I know, Puplava and the like hold a lot of shares and wouldn't sell this low. Or would they? More to the point, why don't they buy huge numbers of shares here if the risk-reward is skewed so far in the direction of reward?

If an acquiring company would step up, buy out Kimber, and throw in the cash to start mining, then, voila, a cash cow. So, why isn't anyone snapping up this bargain?

Or maybe it isn't such a great prospect after all in the minds of the people who know the mining business best. That's the implied message of the continuing share price decline.

over 11 years ago
Kimber still on life support

Hey guys, good to check in and see some conversation.

I stopped buying Kimber a long while back, at about .70 to .80 as I recall without checking.

Lately, I've been selling. I've gotten rid of half my position at .21, at a mega loss because, frankly, I think they've screwed the pooch on this one and the general junior market carnage means they have little hope of recovering.

I just don't see where the money is coming from, to do anything. There is no exploration drilling. They would need a lot of cash to go into production and I'm not optimistic the smaller streamer companies are biting.

What irks me is that various incarnations of Kimber management have done it wrong by the numbers, and generally treated shareholders like mushrooms -- kept in the dark with crap shoveled on them.

So, for your sake, and the sake of my remaining 50 percent position, I'd like to see something positive. However. I kick myself in the butt for not at least trying to clean out my portfolio at .25 recently.

I've made money on previous Kimber pops, but lost it all plus interest in this ongoing debacle. I'll consider it tuition paid for future junior investments-- at the first sign of disappointment and missed deadlines, sell first and ask questions later. Don't give any management the benefit of the doubt.

I think you people give Puplava too much credit. I hope I'm wrong.

Take care and good luck

over 11 years ago
At least it can't fall to less than zero

Considering the continuing decline of the KBX share price, it's reassuring to know that at worst, we have 30-odd cents of pain remaining.

This debacle cannot be entirely dismissed as merely part of a general malaise among juniors. Kimber management greased the skids by consistently putting out deadlines for updates then disregarding them. The revolving door on the front office doesn't help the image, either.

The result is an unhappy confluence of poor market conditions and poor management execution. It's a killer.

almost 12 years ago
Re: .49 and dropping

And you got leverage. It's just that, as Archmides might have explained, you're on the wrong end of the lever.

This phenomenon is not specific to junior stocks. The big boys can't seem to make buckets of money despite gold prices being up immensely over the past several years. And so the price performance of the Newmonts and Barricks of the world also seriously underperforms the price of the bullion.

I keep telling myself that our day is coming. I just hope I'm still alive to see it.

almost 12 years ago
.49 and dropping

Open a dictionary to 'masochist' and you find a picture of a Kimber shareholder.

New 52-week low today at .49 U.S., and on significant volume, so the Kimber apologists can't point to low volume to discount a drop.

Anyone buying more here? Didn't think so.

Good luck to all of us. We're going to need it.

almost 12 years ago
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