gmarf1's Profile

gmarf1's Posts

Re: I must be different

Good for you !!!

almost 13 years ago
Re: I must be different

How do you collect unemplyment if you are self employed. I'm in NY and I can't do that.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Why the Chinese?

Whats Tomorrow ?

over 13 years ago
Maybe I'm Stupid but.....

Why would they issue permit before the vote, unless permit issued only with partnership acceptance?

over 14 years ago

Haven't posted in awhile , but what ever happened to BritNick. I remember last year he mentioned something brewing with a China Corp. Kinda makes you wonder how long this has been in the making.

over 14 years ago
I was Saved

Sold 5k on Fri. to buy a bio stk that was going to present at the ASCO conf. today. When I read the news this AM I was sick. Just got back in at .50 with 5k sh. I hope I was lucky.

over 14 years ago
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