gmama's Profile

gmama's Posts

Re: PM and PM shares body slammed for 6 days

Pic waxes eloquent again.

Many of us would have been in a better position today if PqU hadn't sucked this company dry starting almost 4 years ago. We hang on hoping he'll be gone soon and some real miners & honest business men will help this stock revive.....otherwise more of the same. One can always HOPE...... I too will remain silent, again, as I watch and wait.


over 10 years ago
Re: Could be bullish for SFMI

Bouts, What's with that Hour Glass......seems to be getting fuller on top? Are you trying to tell us that the wait will be longerererererererer? Anticipation!!!!!! My interest is waining also. Soon, I may be looking for a new retirement gig too.

over 11 years ago
Re: perfect timing?

Thanks, Pic, for drawing a line and standing for decency. Why the Hub Leaders repeatedly ignore this stuff is beyond explanation. As is alot that happens with this stock. Bouts.... and you wonder why your credibility is in question???

over 11 years ago
Re: Tomorrow?


The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!

over 11 years ago
Just a hurting SH

Pic remembers me.... He excoriated me about a year ago for my comments. I'm surprised since I don't think anything I said is anything different then others have stated here.

I'm a SH of about 3/4 of a million shares for over 4 years, average cost about .18. OUCH! Agoracom SFMI reader for 4 yrs. Pic once spoke about riding one of these mining stocks to the bottom but that he'd know this time when to get out. Sounds like he did know....and did recover his principle. I missed it.

RS's lead? someone said the other day....he "wryly said his wife was sick"...when in addition he saw the reality of PQ's stubborness and decided to move on. His expert advice, if followed, may have saved us from today's mess. I'm not a basher ....... just a hurtin SH who kept believing all the way to the bottom. I'll crawl back into my hole.... and hope you guys can have a positive effect on this stock.

gmama (not gpapa)

PS I wrote to RK & PQ..... asking for the "family" to return shares

over 11 years ago
Questionable Management????

Ingratiating family at SH expense, no or misleading communication, ignoring advice of experts, on and on and on = questionable management? Questionable alright. Pic do I remember you once saying you'd tell us when to get out? Oh, I guess you were talking the top. I missed it. I shoulda followed RS's lead instead. Still hangin in there, but making other plans for retirement (or not).

over 11 years ago
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