gildage's Profile

5 yrs high school 6 yrs university 30 yrs high tech 3 yrs retired Liking gold and silver for 44 years.

gildage's Posts

Re: Interesting....

U misunderstand. I'm not just frustrated. I'm really angry at the incompetance of this "mine management" in marketing this rich property. It is inexcusable to not have ONE THING good to say in over a year to tell listeners and the market...even if it's the same thing all over again. Get out there with a wheel-barrow and a shovel if U have to...I would settle, at this point, for a news release that stated that: There is still a "management" and a company to manage...period.

I still believe in the property because drill cores don't lie (since Bre-X anyway)...

almost 8 years ago
Re: Interesting....

CGE has a CEO and a board of directors who are living, and not figments of your imagination. They make proper press releases regularly, give informational seminars, attend PM conventions and they market their holdings and company...

Interestingly (NOT), FMG does not from what I've seen. We haven't had a news release for over a year! Where is the presidents message to shareholders? Silence...

almost 8 years ago
Re: Well, October 13th has come and gone...

Herb; We all feel your pain... I don't hold very many shares anymore, but I just bought a few lots back this week...(for a lark)...Hoping for a 43-101 report or some news...It has been a YEAR AFTER ALL! HELLOOOOW!

Imagine my surprise when I found out that I bought the shares back from JIM (at $.03)!

I really don't care much for his business acumen...(though I do like the property).

I think Jim is a lot like my sister. The suitor she was looking for (or dating) was never good enough for her. Result: Got a few offers, but she's still a 67 yr single old-maid.

Really hope we don't have to wait 60 more years to make a $.02 profit!

Lotus petals under the bridge...

almost 8 years ago
Re: awesome, auspicious - keegann

Friends, Romans, Countrymen;

I've reconsidered this thread (after I looked up portentious and auspicious in the dictionary).

1. Turns out portentious means "in-auspicious"... (threatening, menacing, ill-omened, foreboding, inauspicious, unfavorable) so now I'm really confused! Because if I'm in "Queen Mabb's camp", I wouldn't be holding all these FMG shares!

2. I said earlier that $40,000 was not a lot of fortune cookie crumb to get auspiciated about...but I then re-considered... I actually, cautiously became aligned with the kee-bard, because I considered that if there are only 78 million shares outstanding, then this "buying spree" does represent almost 1% of the shares outstanding, even though it's only $40,000. The whole company is only worth...4.7 million..!

3. Wait a minute! two days ago the whole company was only worth 3.1 million! Last week it was only worth $2.3 million....Now that's a bit more auspicious! The whole company just increased in value by 1.6 million in a day and a half, and doubled in value in a week and a half!

4. But then I thought, "Why would Link even think about paying $8.0 mil to a company that's only worth $4.7mil (3.1 on Wed) ??? Are there some PMs there maybe? again, it all comes down to the 43-101 (A studious lad in service to the King - the messanger...AMAZING!)

5. So I then asked my tarot deck "Is FMG going to get the $8 mill from Link very soon?" Those cards never cease to astonish and astound...(Like Winter, "The Page of Cups" is coming)

6. Sorry, I can't tell U all the answer, just yet. I have some trading to do this week...

Auspicious or Portentious, that is indeed the question...just think of yourself as "The Hanged Man" (a noble card indeed) hanging from the yard-arm of a sailing ship, at sea, waiting for a breeze to blow U toward the "Wheel of Fortune". I am not that Breeze...I just shoot it.

Mabb's Village Idiot

about 8 years ago
Re: awesome, auspicious..keegann

I like your writing, Keegan! It's poetic, phil-o-soph-ical, thoughtful, expressive, hopeful...

"we're all sitting in a raft at sea waiting...and we're all getting hungry herb, for cookies..."

Wow! Great!...but I don't understand big words, like thesaurus, ominous, portentous, auspicious...and I don't really understand poetry, or phil-o-sophy for that matter...

...but it's almost like, all the intelligent people in the Western World are sitting in rafts at sea, waiting, waiting, waiting, for cookie crumbs, messages in bottles, fortune-cookies, tarot cards, a 3 cent move, a golden-cross, a break-out, a news release! Like me, (but much more smarter) ...they've all been turned into... empty, weird, hollow, copies of...

The Village Idiot.

about 8 years ago
Re: awesome, auspicious

The weekly chart looks great!...Nice to see a little movement, hope, life...however, it was only $40,000 worth of stock, and one day. Let's keep some perspective...Still, a positive is that the share price moved so much on only $40,000 worth of trading!

The buyer was probably just my long lost twin brother (that I didn't know I had...) whose Tarot cards came up "Wheel of Fortune" for FMG...

the other village idiot

about 8 years ago
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