ggualala's Profile

ggualala's Posts

Re: ITC Appeal - Thoughts? GumboSoup. (1)The questions are for Gumbo, he is a


Ptsc has to prove fraud by TPL in the bundling and redirection of license money from Apple.

Ptsc must take DL back to court and get a judge to agree that most of the money from Apple should have gone to the MMP not core.

Short of a Judge's rule your correct and we are all S.O.L.


over 10 years ago
Re: do we get 400 targets to settle rather then doing a trial with


We need to prove the Apple deal was a result of fradulent comingling of patents.

Unfortunately the ones who created the fraud are the ones who would be required to

expose the fraud. Thus the likelyhood of this is zero with the parties still in control.


over 10 years ago
Re: Don't look now, but we have a new HL...



I listened to and took what you said over the years as honest opinion of PTSC

it took many years and many lost dollars before I realized you were just a pumper and nothing more.

At one time I looked forward to your posts and invested because i believed you.

Please stop before you cost more people their hard earned money.

I am not bashing, ripping, roasting or toasting you, just asking you to spare

the unsuspecting.

You and I have even exchanged PM's before.

I have been here since 2004 and seen it all.

Have a conscience.


over 10 years ago
Re: Does HTC NOW have to Sign a License? What is there to entice them...

The damages were low do to the jury not finding willful infringment.

The jury decided HTC was a victim of someone else by unknowingly using

chips that infringed our patent.

The damages act as a license for the products in question, all othe infringing HTC products will need a license.


almost 11 years ago
Re: Stay or Get other options-except to file complaint

If as you suggest Schwartz is still holding large amounts of stock, we all will have another chance when they announce a few licenses and dividends to allow Schwartz a big enough pop to unload again.

This time we must get it right and get out right along with Schwartz.


about 12 years ago
Re: Brian, Ron, Nick et al if I may interject my two cents....

I believe the only way the BOD would do a dividend

would be to benefit Schwartz or some other large stockholder.

Do we know of any such large stockholder?


about 12 years ago
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