generaledger's Profile

generaledger's Posts

Re: What could have been - huge lessons

Great advice Rogue. Unfortunately and sadly, I've learned not to trust anyone chirping anonomously over the airwaves. Who knows, they could have 6-8 trading accounts to go back and forth with trading in penny increases and decreases in big volumes, several handles, several varying sets of opinions to gain credibility - you just never know. I still hold shares and believe we have some loyal and sincere posters here. I'd still like to believe we'll all do well someday - partially to vindicate my own due diligence efforts and partially so my family and friends won't think I'm a complete idiot. But valuable lessons learned and much better for it even although I suspect many of this is basic and common sense stuff to most of you.

over 9 years ago
Re: Warrant Extension

This was one of the few PP's/warrants that outsiders were allowed to participate in. I for one took advantage of it a year ago and I think it shows real class by the Company to leave open the reward for supporting our Company for another year. I think it shows a healthy respect for its shareholders in today's marketplace (like the dividend last fall) and indicates to me we'll be quite happy to exercise the warrants either next year of sooner if there is a take-out. Thanks Elmer and the Board.

over 10 years ago
Last Year's AGM

was just about as late as it legally could be. Remember, our year end is October 31. I believe management delayed last year's meeting for as long as possible, hoping to be able to announce the Teck JV or whatever other news might come out of the negotiations. This year's annual meeting is not far off other years in terms of timing, and indicates to me there may not be anything of significance to discuss for the next few months and so why not get the Admin out of the way.

over 10 years ago

Like others that went, there wasn't much to report. I met up with Elmer, Mike and Lynn - Jason had just stepped away- and The Crew seems to have done a good job at circling the wagons. No comments of signifigance. I was there on Tuesday, and the show was packed. Good activity at the booth.

I wish I could point to a comment or two that was new or something I already didn't know, but management is optimistic but just staying the course. I've given up speculating on what might happen and I suspect some shareholders have reduced their portfolio to take advantage of other stocks with perceived potential in the interim.

But ... to speculate anyway ...I'm still optimistic. I expect a NR after the Teck JV meeting this month. I think our 100% owned Van Dyke deposit with comparatively better grades in the area and cheaper production costs will add good value to CUU ($7-800m?) and will eventually be a TSX listing for us.I still expect the logical course of action for Teck is to buy our interest and re-sell to a selected partner. We'll definitely know more when we see the kind of work and money Teck spends this summer (roads, bridges and infrastructure) mean a production decision. I think we'll hear about the production decision after we are gone. I don't know ... is it speculation if management doesn't deny any of these statements?

over 10 years ago
Re: got an email

Good work Koperfoks. Confirms what Vette said in his post ...

Elmer has been saying he hopes the isn't a significant drill program for 2014. Teck has what they need. Now to finalize the pit design and get on with the mine plan and EA.

I see Vette is back on the Top Message list. Wish AG hadn't taken away his hub leader privileges even although he wasn't in to monitoring the board.

over 10 years ago
Re: Welcome back Willy!

I'm sorry to see that Vette got pushed out. He may not have posted since Oct. 4, but that last post was a good one and not much has really happened publically since then. I believe he still stays closer to the action than most, just by picking up the phone and digging. Just because some don't post for a while, don't assume they're not still invested or following the story.

Some hubs are more active than others. One of the advantages of a hub leader is seeing all the posts. You can do just as much good by re-instating previously flagged posts in the interests of fairness as opposed to constantly flagging marginal posts. There are a lot of non-hub flaggers!

So as for CUU content, I'm still invested. I'll be more than happy if there is no significant 2014 drill program announced. I would think Teck has enough info to set the pit parameters and finalize the daily tonnage for the EA. And why wouldn't Teck want to flip our interest to a chosen partner to make a profit and share in the capex and risk going forward. It's up to Teck and Senor E to arrive at a fair price and Teck can afford to pay more because they have 75% at very low cost, and will make a profit on the flip anyway. Don't underestimate a safe jurisdiction and long term mine life with reasonable grading on 4 resources.

Can't say it's been a fun 4 years, but I've enjoyed most of it. And for Vette, well ... we lost a good one!

over 10 years ago
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