generac112's Profile

generac112's Posts

Re: Some thoughts

What concerns me the most is we can see the shift to photonics and we have the recipe to the next disruptive technology. Major players are telling us 4th quarter 2016 and we are still under the radar. Nobody seems to know who POET is . Invested and concerned

over 8 years ago
Re: Easter eggs

This has been one of my concerns that we get far enough ahead with products and profits before we have to start to defend the patents. From foreign competion to our very own Apple are all notorious for stealing patents making billions from them then using the court system to beat share holders what is rightfully theirs . I have been in this stuation twice before and there is very little justice served in behalf of the share holder. I am currently very invested in poet with plenty of ammo sitting on the side lines waiting for revenue producing deals to mature. I hope we all get what we think we have discovered. Happy Easter and may God Bless Us All

over 8 years ago
Re: The buzz aroung Siphotonics - Imagine what POET buzz could be

Rainer that is good news . I did not know that. Thanks for the info

over 8 years ago
Re: samsung finfet 14 nm

I will breath easier when I see a contract with our platform with one of the big boys. I think the next 2 weeks before the cc are critical to have such an announcement. I have broken all the rules of investing. I am all in. I believe poet has the answer but they are nipping at our heels. Come on POET

over 8 years ago
Re: The buzz aroung Siphotonics - Imagine what POET buzz could be

According to the article on i-micronews Fang Wu from Art-ic photonics is to speak about monolithic intergration of photonics at the P I C International conf. March 1st I sure would love to be a fly on the wall. Poet should be making that speach.

over 8 years ago
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