gemoz's Profile

gemoz's Posts

DJI at five cents or less?

Seems to be a recurring theme, here.

I'm back in but in a very modest way. News are few and far between... Dajin usually bounces back; trading rather than investing? At least partly, imo, for now...


over 12 years ago
NTWK the cost of raising money

The big drop in share price when the completion of a PP for 14.5M shares at .40 was announced in early March is still with us. The good news from Japan has contributed in regaining some pennies for the dimes lost...

Not giving up on this one..


over 12 years ago
Re: Back In This One?

Military and airport new openings have salvaged the .10-.13 share price. There are still fewer than 15 UFood restaurants even after these new openings.

Some improvement on the menu. Many items had more sodium than most of us can take in a day (1000 to 1500 mg)...

It could be time to take a closer look, however, as, finally, the franchises seem to get moving, not closing.


over 12 years ago
Re: WOO (Cogitore) note

...and sure enough, WOO remains under .17 often.

Still like the company and it remains a major investment for me.


over 12 years ago
Re: AAA - no brainer + NR

...but investors do not seem to think so: from .57 ave to .50 or less. (resistance in the low .40s).

IMO, AAA should come back but not that soon...


PS Any reason you posted the PR again?

over 12 years ago
CXB +/-.25

With B2Gold getting 20M new shares at .25 (with 10M warrants @.50 for a year) the reason for CXB drop becomes obvious...


over 12 years ago
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