gbouman's Profile

Retired school principal. Mianly invested in Cuu. Want ot learn more about investinf in stocks. Follow Michael Campbell often.

gbouman's Posts


Copper Fox could set up a chatline such as Keystocks does each Monday. This is a very good service for investors. CF could do this once per month to answer questions on CF, Carmax etc. This would eliminate a lot of the anxiety and misinformation around this investment.

almost 10 years ago

Would the ROFO not provide some pressure from Cuu when the time i right? Perhaps after the JV meeting?

almost 10 years ago
Re: Random Feasibility Notes

Sec.4.4.1 states" EA is expected to be submitted in Q1 of 2013. Is this a mistake?

over 11 years ago
Re: Conference vist:

Just to clear the air. I spoke with Mike on this. He said that TT has avery good reputation in North America and Vancouver's problems were just temporary. From that, I inferred that he would go with them again. Elmer stated that most of the delays were "administrative", as in getting all the experts ( engineers) to sign off on their sections. You are correct,Ripantuck, it would make no sense to change now but it would be a consideration in the future.

over 11 years ago
Conference vist:

I visited the CUU booth, spoke to both Mike and Elmer. Great People!!

- there is no 30 day delay. Once the BFS is submitted to Teck, the 120 days kicks in. Elmer sthinks it wont'take that long. Teck is upto date on all information

-When dropped, there will be a news release ( hopefully inthe next 4-5 days)

- Liard shares are quite valuable / 5% after mine is paid for in 6-7 years

-TT has a good reputation in general. Vancouver has its problems. Would use them again

- Power line applicationis for CUU

- CUU will not drill but will prepare the required drilling info as part of the package for Teck or another buyer

- If Teck says no, Elmer knows there will be others but he can't see why Teck would say no,especially since Highland Valley is running low.

Came away feeling great!!

over 11 years ago
pp amount

The NR on Sept 10 said " up to $4.000,000. " Apparently Cuu did not need all of it. Good news.

almost 12 years ago
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