gargun's Profile

gargun's Posts

Re: I'd forgotten this.... A double secret association for 5 years. LOL.

Anybody have an old association home page copy before the apparent DATE CHANGE on their site to 1995. Are they afraid? WOW jmo


almost 11 years ago
back again!

I have not written here for a long, long time. I, unfortionately have 00000 shares. Long story... had 50k. Wish you all shareholders the best. Go EDIG!!! Have a happy and prosperous New Year. Go EAGLES!!!

over 13 years ago
I love this company (patents)...

Just stopped by to say hello.  Looooong storryyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

over 17 years ago
Must Read - Wencor Press Release...

News Release

DeCuir Inc. Providing Business and Product Development Services to Avionics and IFE Suppliers

Yorba Linda, CA (6 April 2005) – Tracy DeCuir of DeCuir Inc. Consulting Solutions has signed with Wencor to manage the development of Wencor’s new IFE solution, the digEsystemTM. In addition, DeCuir will assist in the Marketing and Sales of the new system to airlines and aircraft manufacturers.

Tracy DeCuir has over 15 years of IFE experience introducing new IFE technology into service with products from companies such as Rockwell Collins, Tenzing and most recently MAS.

“I’m excited to team with Wencor to launch an IFE solution that is sure to draw interest from the airlines.” said Tracy DeCuir of DeCuir Inc.

“After the acquisition of APS in October 2004, we decided to team with a veteran in the IFE industry to further expand our position in the growing IFE market,” said Brent Wood, Wencor’s Chief Executive Officer. “Tracy DeCuir’s expertise in IFE along with Wencor’s reputation create an alliance that will bring a paradigm shift to IFE, producing lower cost for airlines and a better IFE experience

for passengers.”

About DeCuir Inc.:

Tracy DeCuir of DeCuir Inc brings with him over 25 years of avionics and IFE experience. Tracy has worked with Rockwell Collins, MAS, Tenzing and other companies supporting the IFE industry. He has an excellent industry reputation and is highly respected for his integrity in the industry.

About Wencor

Wencor has been involved in the aviation business for over 55 years. With the acquisition of APS, the firm has entered into the IFE market, developing cutting edge technology and new designs. Wencor is based in Springville, UT, with offices in Washington, Georgia, Florida, Amsterdam, and Singapore. For more information about the digEsystem, visit, or call 801-489-2120.

over 19 years ago
Alaska Airlines Intro Video??

Never saw this before...Is it FriendlyFred?

over 19 years ago
An Apple Bloger

See His Nov. 30, 2004 Blog on digeplayer and his ideas.


I worship Steve Jobs (head of both Apple Computer and Pixar). Everything he touches turns to gold, and he has this magnetic personality when you meet him that is so powerful you have to do a heterosexuality-check once you leave his presence just to be sure you are in love with him for the right reasons. At least, guys do. Well, I do. I don`t know about any other guys. Maybe it`s a genetic defect in my DNA or something.

Anyway, given my love of all things Steve Jobs, it pains me to say that I totally disagree with his view that there should be no video iPod. He says something like ``who would want to watch video on such a tiny screen?`` to which I have to answer... ``me.`` And probably a lot of other people too.

Sure I can watch DVDs on my PowerBook or a portable DVD player... but, by the same token, I can also listen to music on my PowerBook or a portable CD player. The thing that`s so remarkable about the iPod is the stylish way that you can access digital content for music in such a compact, easy-to-manage device. Why wouldn`t I want to do the same thing with video content? No need to boot up the PowerBook (especially, heaven forbid, if I am flying coach) in order to have something to watch - just turn on your Video iPod which you`ve synced with your TiVo, and you can take the latest round of television shows and movies with you in a convenient, pocket-PDA-sized, easy-to use player.

Ever since I started flying Alaska Airlines and renting their DigePlayer, I`m enraptured at the thought of being able to sync content with my TiVo and catch up with all the TV shows I like on the go. I think about it A LOT. On my long, long, flight home last night I thought about it while sketching on my PowerBook.

Inspired by the iPod Mini, this is what it looks like on the front, featuring a hi-res, 4-1/2 inch diagonal widescreen display (click on image to see the full-size version)...

It would flip open to display the controls if you should need to access them. Volume (and everything else) can be controlled from the click-wheel, just like an iPod, but an infinity scroll-wheel on the side allows easy volume control without having to flip open the panel. I also dropped in a small speaker for those times you might want to share the experience... it doesn`t have to be anything great, just good enough to hear what`s going on (click on image to see the full-size version)...

Of course, you can still play music in either of the above configurations, but a second ``regular-sized`` iPod display would be included, so you could turn the unit over to easily control it when listening to music without having to flip it open (click on image to see the full-size version)...

Naturally, you could store and view your photos, just like an iPod Photo, and it would also inherit the ``video-out`` port so you could look at your photos or watch video content on a television. Next-generation Video iPods could have ``video-in`` ports for recording video as well (although I still think some kind of sync feature like we have now with iTunes is a better option).

With all due respect to Mr. Jobs, I think this would be an insanely great product. I would sell my liver to buy one, and would freak with joy to be able to have an elegant Apple-designed product instead of the clunky alternative digital video players that are out there now.

Come on Steve... prove to me that my love for you is not in vain and make me a Video iPod!

over 19 years ago
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