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g4gold's Posts



I also have not posted lately. I turned negative before the last massive dilution, when in a private email to Tracy, I was publicly taken to the woodshed. Also finding evidence in the public record that put the north Pipes off limits soured me. I am in the group of those who believe if JB and the board, with all their shares and options and contacts, wanted to drill they would have been at it long ago.




So are all you naysayers to this belief saying they are not smart enough to structure a deal or are they scared of HKipp's knowledge and belief






“we all "know what we have in the ground"- and I, like many others, believe what we have at HM is fantastic. “

Still holding out hope.



over 7 years ago
Re: Drilling

Exactly, the choice is either to jump in the river and swim or jump in the fire and burn.

almost 8 years ago

I suggested years ago that Brisco was wearing rose-colored glasses while and after he flew around the country meeting with Shareholders before the Alaskan Hole-In-One.

He had a partner there and stiffed the outfit that did the work. Settled in court, and you know the rest.

Next I suggested he control his drunken-sailor spending by closing his museum/wharehouse. He ridiculed me and got the share-holders to increase the shares available so he could continue the spending.

Many are now assured that Brisco is the smartest guy sitting on a gold mine.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Gold Reserve and Venezuela will need to clear the area?????

Let them knock themselves out.

GRZ won't be fully paid (Pray 4 the Vennies) until October 31, 2017.

about 8 years ago
Re: Strategy

It's like renting a streach limo in vegas.

show me the money, honey.

about 8 years ago
Kry was in production before it's licence was revoked.

Gold Reserves(ounces){[(Not GRZ)]}
Las Cristinas1,2
Proven and Probable Reserves 2008 16,862,000 2007 14,006,000

1 Mineral reserves are based on a US$550 per ounce gold price and cut-off grades ranging
from 0.33 grams per tonne to 0.57 grams of gold per tonne depending on the mineral type.
2 Calculated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 as required
by Canadian securities regulatory authorities.

2008 Key Operating Statistics

Gold Production (ounces) 2008 2007 2006
Tomi Open Pits 6,530 8,437 19,428
Tomi Underground 3,856 13,551 22,210
La Victoria 6,488 9,356 3,260
Purchased Material 1,011 2,223 2,447

Total Gold Production (ounces) 2008 47,345 2007 33,567 2006 17,885

about 8 years ago
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