furball's Profile

furball's Posts

Re: Caribou grinching the ROF?-video

No Offence.

It is hard to defend/justify anything when there are different rules we play by. When "rules" allow some to be accountable to them and others "NOT' to be, there goes the "justifable conditions". (I have been here too long with very little posts, and getting frustrated.)

For example, when the caribou are depleted because it is our inheritent right to hunt and take what we like(regardless of laws) and blame the environment/government or whatever else is at our disposable.

Sorry and frustrated.

Merry Christmas

almost 9 years ago
Re: financial Magazin

Good informative post



almost 9 years ago
Re: Acting responsibly


We all wish to do well--some of us are bitter--getting in at $7.00!! Nothing to show--headaches,frustration,disappointment,divorce, death,thoughts etc.--hoping to improve our situation for overselves and grandkids--thought we hit the "pot at the end of the rainbow." Such is life!

We can guess or spectulate! Take a chance on well informed/educated investors.


almost 12 years ago
Re: Getting Ready!

Good Day I hope,

I follow the boards regularly and notice that you are on several boards in different capacities. I appreciate your insights.

Perhaps you can either agree or let me know your "thoughts":

I am invested in both NOT and FWR. I have $6300.00 in R.S.P. to move(end of month) into either of the above, I'm thinking.

Like many I am in the RED with regards to Not. I am thinking of moving it all into Not to average down--I bought in for over $3.00.

I am about even with FWR.

Any thoughts would help, but I am doing my own D.D. and won't hold you responsible.

Just trying to get the best bang for the money as we all are.

Thanks in advance

over 15 years ago
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