fpwmerc2's Profile

fpwmerc2's Posts

Re: How to Increase Share Value or Keep PTSC In Pennyland - kurtbusch

Vaas? Enough money to take over whom??? Are you kidding? We have/had $7 million....that should be in a state of terminal attrition; as was the initial $24 million . Its time for the retards to step forward with PR updates, infomational packets, get the name into any media....fast. Also any stettlement should come quick and be announced as per dollar amount. Get info out re: future plans, etc. And forget dividends......of which from where should they come? Right now this stock is a gold mine for day traders.

almost 11 years ago
Re: I dare you to skim thru "all" of the proposed jury instructions.

There is the one salient fact that no one has mentioned. Simply put, our illustrius legal team was unable to convince a learned judge familiar with patents and patent law. Now he is going to try and explain all of this specialized material to 12 eighth graders and expect them to come away in the "trolls" favor? Especially against companies that our eighth graders either have heard about and or have their products. Please, our resident crook will take any settlement for any amount to keep this "Alfonse and Gaston" act afloat for a couple more years. Shareholders be damned!

about 11 years ago
Re: "Otteson will squeeze the last drop" .... That is not his job-Banker

If the street, the smart money, the guys that deal with type of situation, thought big money was on the way, the stock would have started moving north in anticipation of good news. As it is you guys have about 2-3 weeks to live in this fantasy world of "what if" the stock goes to $1: I'll have xxxx, or $3 and I'll have xxxx, or maybe $5, etc. Then the announcement , and back to good old Penny Patty.

about 11 years ago
Re: Blah, Blah, Blah, ......

And it goes on and on and on, these goof ball discussions going over the same thing over and over again. Guys trying to prove to themselves that their investment is golden. Do any of you people actually think a small time judge has the balls to rule infringement against major companies doing millions of dollars in business in the US? Especially with Obama's stance against "patent trolls". Furthermore, with another similar ruling with Eolas in the books: a judge of this stature will just cave to the previous ruling and not set himself up to be the judge that ruled against major players in the US economy in favor of some disfunctional companies that can't even get their house in order. Give me a break. It over.

about 11 years ago
Re: Sierra Wireless Payment

You truly have no idea as to what you are talking about re: insider stock manipulation. I believe they are brewing tea!

about 11 years ago
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