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fishercat's Posts


Yup, a ten-bagger if you bought in at 2 cents, which I suspect most of us did not.  I'm guessing most of us longs are in at about 30 (which used to be considered the base, below which FNC could not fall).  For us, a ten bagger will have to result from the 'big play', which is, and has been since 2008, Magpie.  Everything else is nice; don't get me wrong, I love the CHM charge and I fully expect HPQ to kick in heavily this year, but in the end it's all about our massive above-ground titanium deposit and the technology to unlock its vast value.


over 7 years ago
Re: Amended: HPQ Silicon Receives Beauce Gold Property 43-101 Report In Preparation For Spin Out And Dividend In Q1

Great news...I'm in HPQ for the dazzling potential of being at the top of the SgSi supply chain, and owning part of a serious gold mining operation is a sweet bonus indeed.  Gold flakes on your chocolate icing anyone?

over 7 years ago
Tesla & HPQ

It seems Mr. Musk is taking solar panels to a new level (see NY Times article below).

Given that he is focused on sustainability and a clean environment, wouldn't HPQ's proprietary Si production method be a perfect fit? If I were running the show (assuming we have a legal lock on the technology at present) I'd make sure Tesla knows about us asap. Could be a match made in Heaven.

almost 8 years ago
Re: All's Quiet on the HPQ/PYR Front ..

Hi Greek

You and I may be "waiting patiently" for something to happen, but we would appear to be the only ones...50% sp drop in the last few months indicates widespread impatience.

On June 22 we voted to spin out the gold the clock "ticking down" or just ticking? In his last Agoracom interview, M. Tourillon made no mention of gold that I remember.

6N purity required to get the best value out of our far we have slightly less than 4N.

Test plant still a year away.

I love the narrative here with HPQ and continue to acquire shares as it slowly sinks in the classic 'rocket & feathers' pattern. I also think we are under good management which will eventually see this to a $10p/s take out. For now let's get the gold started!


almost 8 years ago
Re: Notice of Meeting and Information Circular

...and for this past year's performance, the CEO should award himself $...?


almost 8 years ago
Re: Fuad.


How do you know how Fuad's talk went over...were you there?

Let's hope something comes of this...sick of the 3.5 Penny Opera!


almost 8 years ago
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