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More free press!!!

I don't know if anyone saw this from a guy named Bo Chew?.........Metanor seems to be mentioned with a lot of other big names.

I sure do wish I had more patience!!!! This time next year when the Dec 2012 quarterly comes out, we should be heading towards possitive cash flow :)

By the way, I'm sure everyone saw the Q ending 12-31-11 on SEDAR right........but not much to write home about :(

over 12 years ago
Re: Sandstorm reports on Metanor and the Bachelor Lake mine

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!!! It looks like they'll make back their original 20 million dollar investment in less than 4 months once MTO reaches their 5,000 oz/mo run rate.......and that's if the price of Gold doesn't keep going up........which I think it will be over $2000 before the end of 2012 or before. Heck, even Metanor's profit margin should be pretty good at these prices. Maybe they will finally start seeing a fair market valuation of their SP since it's been treated poorly compared to other Jr. EXPLORERS..........NOT!!....Now they're going to be PRODUCERS baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just all MHO

over 12 years ago
Only 6 more months to production

According to past PR's and this new video posted on their website, the 5000 t bulk sample will be completed in Feb/March this year and included in the feasibility study followed by commercial production by July!!!! Been waiting a long time for this. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg, especially if you factor in all the potential to increase the mine life with the Barry open pit and utilizing the other 1/3 of the 1200 tpd millrate. On a side note, I think Gold will keep creeping up for at least 2012 and probably into 2013. This is all JMHO of course :)

over 12 years ago
MORE DILLUTION! You gotta be kidding me!

Just when I thought that everything was in place, all the news has been very positive, analyst's write-ups and the officers own comments indicate that they are cash positive with the Sandstone payments in the bank........ and now THIS!!!!!..........

Another private placement!!! And it looks like they're trying to hide it from the retail investors in the states!!!


This is such B-----it!!! Time to give Mr. Perry and Company a call AGAIN!. I'd urge everyone else here to do the same if you feel the same way I do and still believe in the company.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Only nine more months and counting!

I totally agree with you about both of them. In fact, I've talked to Mr. Perry several times over the past couple years and he finally refered me to others in his company since I wasn't satisfied with his answers. Anyways, I'm giving it a full year from now which should put them a full quarter or more into their estimated production rate of 60,000/yr (and that's not taking into account the results from the bulk sample or ongoing drill results which should hopefully make for a very favorable feasibility report). One good thing about the share price going sideways as time passes, about 37 mil in warrants w/ exercise prices of .40-1.00 are set to expire in the next 9 months.

almost 13 years ago
Only nine more months and counting! online.

Jay Taylor interviews Ron Perry again. About the only things left are the results from the continued drilling and the bulk sample so they can announce the feasibility study, commence production, and construct either a concentrator or another mill at Barry. Man, I wish I had some more to invest right now! The sky is the limit IMHO!

almost 13 years ago
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