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Re: List of people going to the meeting

I have started to get under some peopel skin over there as well. they are trembling rite now so will try to do everything to provoke us that we stop firing back.

By: lucky,mydog Member Level
To: fidelfoster
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 6:18:11 AM


about 14 years ago

Just out of curiousity what do yall expect will happen at the shareholders meeting? Either myself, my brother, or one of my other family member might be going. You gotta understand SFMI is a family thing for us. As for today the detractors were at full swing today, they seemed to be more on the edge today at the other site. It can be quite entertaining to be honest. One thing that I was wondering about when the other gentlemen mentioned that the $500k in PR/IR was used for to bring in big money like last time what can we expect in the pipe work? I am very excited about that. Oh by the way thx for yalls input on my previous post. It is always good to have others opinon who are more knowledgeable about these matters.

Yall have a great day.

about 14 years ago
My predictions IMHO

Hey longs, sorry I have not been able to spen much time here been a little busy defending our company on the other sites. I know some might find it silly but it is my right and duty to keep the wolves at bay. well enogh of that this what i am guessing is going to happen by sep 17 or announced then.

1. They are going to announce the listing in the Brazilian or Canadian maybe both at the SHM.

2. They tell that the company is going to go in merger or bought out buy a forigen investor.

3. They are going to announce the share buy back and hence they are trying to kep the pps low.

4. They show the results of the grade and show everyone in person how good the mill is doing.

5. They unveil a new project in the pipline down there.

we all know of those companies that have fluff PR when the pps are going down fortunately SFMI does not do that bc it is not a pump and dump.

I would love to hear yalls opinon

IMHO by the way I sign of as fidelfoster at the hub.

about 14 years ago
What the heck happened

hey guys just got back from the south of the border been there for the whole month. I come back and I see the low pps what the heck is going on? This prices should be high due to the 10Q and the shareholders meeting coming up as well. In a way I guess this is good because I can increase my position, but just curious what happened?

about 14 years ago
Next PR

I know that every one is anxiously waiting for the next PR to come out about the grades. Maybe they should be postponed for a while atleast after the 10k report. It makes sense to me that they should put out the info about the grades just before they get listed in the Brazilian and Canadian exchanges. This ought to give the newer investors some solid ground, individuals such as I.B. If a company is constantly comes out with PR the impression of a pump and dump comes in paly and SFMI is far from that. It is something you want to hold on for a long time. So far I am very happy with the SFMI as it has delivered on evey promise and has been on a steady course. Slow and steady PR is good the way SFMI does it. So is the slow and steady increase in pps as compared to high and volatile as things like panic selling and snowball effects come into play. By the way some I too am frustrated with some of the individuals at the hub for they have a heck of an imagination and like to have conversations with themselves and have made goal to detract SFMI from its course.

Yall have a good weekend and a happy 4th of July.

SFMI long and strong

about 14 years ago
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