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Assuming an award is made on a particular date? Is that likely to result in the stock being re-listed somewhere, so that it can then be traded, based on the award news and the permutations as to when and how much gets collected and to whom the dough goes?

almost 11 years ago
Re: Waiting Patiently like Civilized Folks

I check in once in a while only, so pardon me if this has been sorted previously. As the various steps are completed over the next few months, is it likely that we will regain a listing, once it becomes apparent that we are in line for a settlement payout, or is there still a mechanical reason that KRY continues to be banished? TIA

almost 11 years ago
at the end

If this all works out, and there is some dough for commons, how is it distributed; how are shares sold if the company is not listed anywhere?

over 11 years ago
Re: CRYFQ Time & Sales, Week of April 15-19

Seems to be a "Mr. 300" out there - mean anything?

over 11 years ago
Re: He is dead...

I have read that the Cubans have angled themselves into a position of influence in Vennie once Hugo was gone. If they are now in a position to pull strings at the top, I fear that there may be more turbulence for foreign companies operating there. For instance, they may pull out of the ICSID - does anyome know whether Cuba is currently subject to its rulings?

I don't have any information other than the public press, but I have a nagging suspicion that Chavez' time in Cuba involved more than medical procedures.

over 11 years ago
Re: Greetings gentlemen

Seems to me we claimed money and/or the reinstatement of the contract/licence/rights, whatever they were.

almost 12 years ago
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