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fani's Posts

Teleprobe - Of course you know.....

Tele - well said....

and of course you know we have Peter Smith at the helm - holding us back - like a deer in headlights.... moose pasture is where he belongs.... he can't even maximize the value of what he has on hand...

and of course you know we have Debra Chapman - CFA (c**ppy Financial Abilities) handling the finances is simply wrong. 

and of course you know management has NO idea on how to maximize  shareholder value and unlock it.

and of course you know we have NO Investor relation support.

and of course you know we need better coverage from financial analysts.

and of course you know - this isn't about logic....  it's lack of confidence by market - lack of right "people" with skin in game that would promote the heck out this stock .....


so sad!!!! 

does somebody know somebody who can HELP peter - G-d knows he needs help.

good luck to all of us that we may prosper and make $$$$ during our lifetime....


over 7 years ago
2017 and FNC

Dear Fellow FNC posters.

Want to wish all of you and your families a wonderfully happy HEALTHY and PROSPEROUS 2017 !!!!

Terry please do not bet your bottom dollar on Peter retiring and creating value for US. No sireee  the man is  incapable of knowing how to maximize shareholder value. They will have to carry him out of the place.

By the way - anybody know what's the back up plan /transition  if he isn't around to steer the ship????

did everybody receive  the recent Oct 31 2016 financial statements and mgmt ciruclar? It makes me ill to see the $$$ Peter, Debra and rest of board draw -  Debra has no qualification to be CFO and to get 45K up from 36K is shameful. Peter should be paying FNC 48K not receiving for all the negative and ineffective steps he took to unlock value.  Sitting on Mkt sec and selling them to pay oneself -stinks.

As for the 20% who voted... the question is where is the other 80%.  It really be"hoov"es us to find out who owns what and see once again if there is a way to toss this ineffective group. 

In 2017 FNC  needs  a proper PR firm and wheeler dealer to take over the ship.

Fingers crossed we all make money this year.




almost 8 years ago
Re: Big Picture


I don't bother wasting my time with PS and Board - total incompetence.  I tried to oust him once before 

Lost that fight!!!!

but my reasons were validatted - ... total board - useless - stock price nowhere it should be.

Only salvage for Shareholders was to bust this up and get rid of PS and cronies

Was expecting that there would be a big change in management  and unlock value.= didn't happen.

Just want to know why all Agoracom posters think that "doing the math" adding up Mkt Value of underlying investments etc.. is going to win out and make this go higher..

Oh Well.




almost 8 years ago
Big Picture

Dear Board members...

Would  somebody tell me what their honest and true feelings at what  the stock price "should" be in 2-3 months and what they think it "will" be in 2-3 months?

I read the daily posts about fluctuation in the underlying investments held by FNC - the potential grants - the IP technology and potential for Magpie - the Chinese .... etc....etc..

I hear about how excited PS is about things.... big deal - over the last 10-15 years PS gets excited -- market never does.

Yes we "should" be trading higher..  WE ARE NOT.  Never have been. and IMHO never will be ..

why is that?

How do we fix it.?  what has to change to UNLOCK value?


almost 8 years ago
Right on Tony T

Tony well said !!!!!

Nothing but hot air and bs from Smith.

when do we as shareholders wake up - lose patience and turf this do nothing president.

what do we have to lose - 4 cents? What do we have to gain ???? Not sure until we get an intelligent savvy business man who know this industry.

OUST PETER - sooner the better.

about 8 years ago
Li Four other properties?

Peter should take a permanent MIA

Wonder how much money did he spend chasing that dead end. maybe he should have retested the gov't samples first ? that is complete negligence on somebody's part. who identified those 4 other properties - same government body

Chances of ever seeing shareholder value recovered under his leadership is ZERO,!

Man does NOT have a touch for creating value --- and if there is value in those assets - he and his team is NOT the crew to unlock those values.

who are the major shareholders in this stock ?

are they certifiable nutso for letting Peter run the show....

what a friggin nightmare.

he is going to sell all 7M shares of HPQ on diddly squat - and erode our value.

so sad.....

about 8 years ago
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