eyetell's Profile

eyetell's Posts

Re: And we only lost 13.8% of our value

The truth hurts ....bad! fundamentals set aside, from a market standpoint this is the worst stock I've ever invested in, Level 2 is like the weather, all you have to do is look up, a few hundred thousand on the bid, tens of millions on the offer and goodness knows how many shareholders lined up at the wicket, throw the shorters and cuffers in the mix makes for an impossible maket to move, we would need at least a couple of large financial institutions that wants to take a position in order to dry this market up, with the absence of any significant news we are all pigeonholed imho, it's become apparent to me that Teck isn't going to help us any time soon so we need market sentiment to change globally, the recent move in copper might be a start, this might help share price some.

almost 8 years ago
Re: an interesting proposition

Agreed, either that or list Northern Fox on the Venture, vend in all other projects into that company and all further financings be done through Northern Fox, all other projects should be kept as a seperate entity from SC, financing Elmer at one share plus one warrant at twelve cents is damn painful, do the math, it's frightening!

almost 8 years ago
Re: 700K-shares Blow out from ITG

How could Teck possibly be legally buying CUU

They can't and wouldn't, at least not on the open market where insiders are supposed to report such activities...but then there's the other Market which I know nothing about, todays trading tells me nothing other than someone decided to hit the bid, simple really!

almost 8 years ago
Re: market manipulation

Chunky, you're spot on, with a hundred twenty odd million boat load of paper (and that's just the float) this market will be next to impossible to move and here's why...we have somewhere around 120M share float and potentially that same 120M float can be shorted against at any financial institution that has CUU paper in house, the rule is that to take a short position at said Brokerage, that Broker must have CUU paper in house to short against right??..... Wrong, these boiler rooms short at will and with a stock as loose as CUU our stock is a prime target and there's no way for the exchange to track illegal shorting, then there's the up tick rule for shorting, yeah right!! Chunky is dead right in his view of our market, I've long suspected that there is an Institution/s that's doing what ever it takes to dry up the float, look at it this way, it's safe to say that the list of share holders is long, how many of those shareholders are standing at the wicket looking for a way out! then on top of that you have the boiler rooms flipping, cuffing and shorting upside down and sideways, so you can see that this Market is Not just about what's on the Bid and the Ask, the short position is useless information because by the time we get that info it's old news, the boiler rooms tend to be in and out in the same session, to make my fat story thin, this stock will not move until enough paper has has been accumulated into strong hands, the unfortunate outcome of a tactic such as this is that more often than not it tends to squeeze out the little guy, I guess the thing to do is don't sell, this is the tough part as I'm no spring chicken and I want my money back! having said that, I know we don't want to here this but drying up the float is a must if we want to see our market sustain an acceptable level as I do Not want to see another twelve cent financing, I think we can all agree on that! this is a great observation by Chunky IMHO !

almost 8 years ago
Re: warrants??

If that's the case would it be possible to put your name on the list, sell a bunch of shares at 12 cents to pay for them, then end up with the same amount of shares plus all the warrants? Or am I missing something here? Probably....

Dead right CG but with the way this project is progressing I can't help but wonder if those warrants will expire worthless, participating in this PP is just more dead money IMHO.

over 8 years ago
Re: warrants??

If the offer was Flow-through it might be worth a second look, I've participated in a few offerings over the years but with the advent of TFSA it's not worth the headache, I'll guess that I'll be moving more paper over to the TFSA account next year just like I did the year before that and the year before that and the year before that....well you get the picture! I'm not going to bother with this offering as I've already got enough paper that's not worth selling, looking to add to the pile is like walking the Plank, the one and only reason I'm still a shareholder is that I can only hope and pray that big E is not as stupid as I am...I'm betting that he's not! Good luck to all.

over 8 years ago
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