explosif's Profile

explosif's Posts

Re: China trip

Agreed Mopar. Its abusurd to rule out a buyer like, especially one with so much cash at the moment. Directors and shareholders need to be putting a stop to her own agenda. Like who was that Tina Whyte that was voted in as a director? A Lori mini me? I think we need more accountable and responsible people in that position other than Lori's secretary. If she was held more accountable things would be alot different. If ANYONE who sees a problem with what is going on hear please speak out.

over 12 years ago
Re: L2 10 min to go

I think if alot of people see this heading in the upward direction they will pull thier asks cause if you are going to sell why would you go for 1.70 if you could get 1.90 or better? Probably not going to be a blood bath like some expected.

over 12 years ago
Re: The Only Thing To Fear

I like the way you think Mopar. Maybe Lori is right ticked off that the options for management got voted down and now this is payback. Like who knows pretty hard to know forsure when your in the dark.

over 12 years ago
Open pit vs Shaft mining Gold

More of a general question but I was wondering what gold cut off grades (ball park) for an open pit mine vs. a shaft mine would be. Rough numbers are ok.

almost 13 years ago
Re: The next best thing to results

Is the agreement to sell the Carmi property new or has that been like that for sometime?

almost 13 years ago
Re: Can someone ask Lori about this at the AGM

She said it herself on the Forbes interview, she's in with the old boys now.

almost 13 years ago
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