excitableboy's Profile

excitableboy's Posts

Re: Still Burns

I check the site once in a while, to see if there is any new news, but there is nothing. However, I am reminded, as is Jeff, not to let an interesting story lead to investment.

I know there are others checking this site and, again, I point out that there were a lot of very nice people invested in this company, trusting the people running this company.

at least I could afford what I lost, but I fear others lost their retirement.

It really is a buyer beware world out there.

about 10 years ago
Re: Deer Antlers?

I still check in on this site, as well.

There were seemingly GOOD PEOPLE talking about investing more good money after bad in this company (which company is it?) in the past 3-4 years. My education cost me 85K, and I still wonder how I was so naive as to keep investing over time as the price fell and fell.

Hmm. I can't even tell other people about it, it's too painful to admit my naivete.

Funny thing, and it's cruel to say: when I heard that Paul's daughter had died of her multiple addictions I knew I was in trouble right then. I am in healthcare, and it's just one of those problems that SO OFTEN (but not all the time) just don't fall out of the sky. There is a genetic code for that stuff. I am afraid that Paul is unlikely honest even with himself. Still argues everything he did was on the up and up.

Really, with the healing of time I can only promise myself to be more aware of the routine dishonesty in this world. In this investment game honesty is the exception, and not the rule.

The photos of the trip to Germany really got to me. The worst thing was to create a feeling of family. Now I don't even know if some of the people that created those photos were part of the scam. I hope not, but if they weren't they were the unwilling accomplices to a long drawn out theft.

over 12 years ago
Re: same old

I have lost a lot on this stock, but I am finally understanding that there are really nice people in this stock that may be ...naive (as I was). The whole short-selling scandal as described in the past weeks has been known on this board for years. However the biggest crime of this company has been the promises that are never kept. The imminent good news that never arrives.

Worse yet, if some of the old timers are telling the truth, some people continued to invest in this company even long after the Nanopierce collapse.

I know they don't want my pity, but I suddenly realized that they are either the greatest actors in the world, or they really have been hurt...bad, by this company, and I am lucky to have just lost my 87K to them.

Fortunately, unbelievably, I have found another stock that has allowed me to recuperate those losses. My wife is speaking to me again. One of these days, there may even be more.

Enough levity. I am not really joking about my recognition that some people have put more than just their money into this company.

I am hoping for their sake that the miracle happens, and VYTA pulls out of this nose dive. I am through being angry, and stayed angry too long. Mostly angry with myself, by the way, for wanting to believe so badly.

Good luck to you all. I still visit, hoping that one day you diehards will get your return. But there is no money left to put into this co. from this reader. I gave up belief years ago.

about 16 years ago
Re: Stock at 0.111 0.12 Anyone talke to the sales group

I come by periodically to review what's going on, and am surprised that most of the names are unchanged.

Obviously I can say that zties and Klook's optimism still surprises me, in the face of the PPS recently.

I can't hope to recover my investment, now. And even to slow the loss of remaining value I can't dare try to sell this co.'s value to anyone. It will take liftoff before anyone in their right mind would invest in this penny stock.

I highly advise waiting for success and then buying up. There is too much chance that it's too late to turn this co. around.

Even if this is a good product, changing the way an industry does business is never a revolution, but an evolution. Some later iteration of this product may one day be profitable, but every day the odds of this company turning the corner dwindle further.

Good luck to the remaining investors, but I cannot, with clear conscience, encourage anyone to buy more stock.


over 16 years ago
Re: PMB -- "If I had a nickel..." -- RubberWorm

Fishing for suckers again, I see..

There is a higher chance of success on this board.

All right, that was just low hanging fruit, there for the taking, and not intended to be mean spirited.

over 17 years ago
RE: Two recent interesting SEC filings.... More of the Same

And, being that his lifestyle before landing a legitimate job was professional poker player... There was no need to read further.

I must be done grieving my foolish investment in this company, because I found this deadpan humor laugh-out-loud funny.


about 18 years ago
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