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evan's Posts

Re: Shareholder Value

I can only speak for myself, but I am sure there there is lots of you that will agree. At this point in time due to the past events , such as management selling a % of the company to a China company for a song and never mind the low price options they wrote themselfs.

I am invested in this company not because of the managements greatness, Lets just say there actions to date say it all , but the potential of the land package that Noront holds in the ring of fire , more or less the assets in the ground.

over 13 years ago
Re: A step in the right direction:today we made the national financial press.

I understand why they did it just dont get the give away price, thats a kick in the face

over 13 years ago
Re: Maybe they shoud try saying they hit on 0 of 50 holes!!!!!!!

Our BOD does not care even a little. The only explanation is something big is in the works. i just hope it benefits us a little.. !!!! TTY

When something big is in the works the share price reflects this , and from the looks of the share price the something big is of no benifit to share holders via the price

over 14 years ago
Re: Speculation for Tomorrow

Not a basher

just using logic , what it going to take to get the stock moving up

1. we reported triple resource ( no real upswing in share price)

2. exploration band lifted ( no real upswing in share price)

3. big article in news paper on ring of fire ( no real upswing in share price)

why the hold back on the share price

over 14 years ago
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