etnom1's Profile

Now 80, I spent my first million on wine, women (three wives and still married to the best) and song. About 20 years ago I woke up to the fact I was not going to live forever and started saving, aided by a defined benefit program and later an IRA. After four brokers had made money on my account as they lost money for me I moved my account to the old Waterhouse (and have stayed with them into their latest incarnation, TD Ameritrade). I first read about Noront in an email from Jason Hommel, bought some around 72¢ and have held despite losses. And then came that miraculous August 29th and the series of subsequent breath-taking events. This has been my second most successful investment of all time except for one other that I road all the way up and then down from a million$, "knowing" all along it was going to come back. My remaining few shares I kept as a reminder of my stupidity compounded by stubborness closed Friday Sept 14 at 11¢. I hope I've learned a lesson, but as I think about it now, how will I know when it's time to sell Noront?

etnom1's Posts

Noront Shares for Tendered Freewest shares still incomplete

Because I have still not yet received my Noront shares for my tendered Freewest shares I wrote Ms Jobin asking what she could do. She replied:

Feb 23, 2010, at 8:43 AM

Dear Sir,

Please note:

We have been diligently investigating why there has been a delay in you receiving your Noront common shares.

In connection with our offer to acquire Freewest common shares, Noront was required to take up and pay for the Freewest common shares validly deposited under the offer no later than 10 calendar days after the expiry date. Noront took up and paid for all validly deposited Freewest commons shares on December 11, 2009. Further, as required, on December 16, 2009 Noront paid for the Freewest common shares by delivering the requisite number of Noront common share certificates to the depositary, Equity Transfer & Trust Company. Settlement with each shareholder who deposited Freewest common shares under the offer was then made by the Depositary who forwarded a share certificate representing the Noront common shares to which each depositing shareholder was entitled. Unless otherwise directed in the letter of transmittal, Noront share certificates were issued in the name of the registered holder of the Freewest common shares.

If you were not the registered holder of your Freewest shares, your Noront shares would have been issued in the same manner as your Freewest shares, in the name of DTC, as the registered holder of your shares, and as requested on your behalf. The share certificates were delivered to DTC within the required time. Any delay in the transfer of your Noront common shares once they were delivered to DTC is out of the control of Noront and is not attributable to any action or failure by Noront, which took appropriate and timely steps throughout.

We have contacted DTC in an effort to determine the reason for its delay in processing the transfer of shares from DTC . As a result of those inquiries, we understand that the transfer of Noront shares are to be expedited as soon as possible. Should you have any further questions in this regard, they will need to be directed to DTC or your broker directly.

Joanne C. Jobin
Vice President, Corporate Communications

TDAmeritrade, my broker, says it is in contact "regularly" with the transfer agent but now after two and a half months still no Noront shares or warrents. TDA says other customers have this problem but that it can do no more than it is are doing—about the same as what Ms. Jobin says.

So who is this powerful transfer agent who can stiff Noront, its shareholders, and even TDAmeritrade—as in Toronto Dominion Bank? Wow!

Hey, maybe it's those rascals at Goldman Sachs.

over 14 years ago
Re: Gold could be as 900$ / ounce next week...

I read Barrons on line. All I can find from Alan Abelson in the current issue is as follows:

"Gold has taken its lumps along with virtually every swappable asset, hard and soft. Its current price of $742 and change an ounce is down some $300 from its peak. It's volatile, but so is life. You can't eat it, but it's durable and a reasonable haven."

I like your quote better. Please confirm it.

almost 16 years ago
Re: The U.S. Mint has suspended sales of American eagle gold coins

The mint still sells the uncirculated silver eagles, just not the proof coin. You can view the current offerings at:

about 16 years ago
Re: just to remind you, that mr. nemis

We have a chap down here (in your neighbors to the south) who's applying for the job as "CEO" of the whole country.

If he's chosen he'll get a four year contract (with an option to renew for another four). So??

Well, he'll turn 72 on August 29th.

about 16 years ago

Two websites deal with naked shorting: deepcapture. com and Both tell horror stories; neither suggests action is imminent.

Today Peter Degraaf suggests his readers listen to the second hour of—a 57 minute segment on the topic.

about 16 years ago
OT: O, Canada!

O, Canada!...God keep [y]our land glorious and free!

Greetings from a cousin to the south.

We have visited friends in Burlington Ontario for the last several Canada Days but will not this year, and we will miss the celebration on the lake front.

Several years ago the MP for the district addressed the crowd, saying in her opening remarks..."Canada, the envy of the world".

I was stunned; as a citizen of the USA I had thought my country was that.

And then I realized with our dollar shaky, our national debt increasing daily, and our military commitment in 100 countries around the world we might no longer deserve that encomium.

I wish you all a joyous celebration of your remarkable nation.

over 16 years ago
Des Moines, Iowa
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