erilius's Profile

erilius's Posts

Re: Please read this

I'll chime in for Rainer, FJ or Abel. Thanks all for the great information putting my mind at ease while holding over 120k shares

about 8 years ago
Re: The POET story - Back to basics

Thanks much Able, thats one of the things I really like about this board is when people re-itterate (and expand) what is known about Poet. There is so much to know it and alot of DD is in the pages here but if we keep driving these important messages it maks it easier for all to "as is" the technology and the path to success.

over 8 years ago
Re: wavetek vs Denselight

Someone mentioned earlier the importance of protecting the IP, Wavetek has the pan to bake the chip not the reciepie to make the dough. We will have asurance to protect the IP at Denselight.

over 8 years ago
Re: Buy out in the eyes of bashers

I can't believe I stumbled onto Poet and Agora July of 2014, it's unbelievable how much I put down financially; because of all the great information and people here is why. Being an engineer in Silicon Valley I was able to see the potential back then but in reality you all here gave me the confidance to double, tripple, x10 down on this once in a life time oportunity. With that, whatever the collecitve mind power here deems is what we should hold out for, i'm on board with that. I'v seen the light and it's Poet.

over 8 years ago
Re: Hmmm?

SWIR shows no headlines it is a canadian company maybe thats why.

All other stock symbols I entered showed headlines.

over 8 years ago
Re: 35% (62MM+) re: some calculations

I've been following Poet for 1.5 years and this is my 1st time posting. Thanks to all the wonderful DD here my wife and I have acumulated 90k shares over that time frame; investing rules modified as Poet is such a compelling story. I promote Poet to friends and family as the once in a lifetime opprotunity to get rich so many here believe.

Best Wishes E:

over 8 years ago
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