eqloprtntyh8r's Profile

eqloprtntyh8r's Posts

Re: Latest HFT Shenanigans: MNKD, BPY, And Dearth Of Liquidity

Mark Cuban just retweeted this article:


Interesting that such a high profile name, and his 1.7 million followers, now have heard of MNKD because of some groups dastardly training practices.

1 step backwards, two steps forward?

over 11 years ago
Re: Adam Feuerstein Redefines "clinically significant" FEV1 Changes

Thank you for the welcome!

Both links were great, thanks!

I just wanted to post the response I had in the comments section of the article that I had to to Adam.

He repeatedly kept asking about what evidence anyone had to refute his "clinical significant" findings.

I don't expect a response on his article, thus wanted to get it out to show Adam:

1. Misrepresented Data

2. Does not respond to valid questions / comments on his articles

Great link library, great source of information!

over 11 years ago
Adam Feuerstein Redefines "clinically significant" FEV1 Changes

Adam F from "The Street" redefines the term "clinically significant" for FEV1 reduction in his article titled:

"MannKind's Mysterious Lung-Safety Study Is Open But Shhh...Don't Talk About It"


Adam makes the statement:

"The chart above is reprinted from the lung-safety study results published in Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. It shows a statistically significant, 34 ml relative decrease in forced vital capacity for Afrezza compared to usual care after 24 months."

The Problem:

Adam's definition of "clinically significant" does not:is not aligned with:

1. Definition of "statistically significant" within this trial:

Non-inferiority = annualized change is no greater than 50 mL/year.

The 34 and 37 mL decrease was below this number, thus the P value being less than 0.05.

2. Definition of "statistically significant" from the American Thoracic Society:

The American Thoracic Society (ATS)

recommends a 15% year-to-year FEV1

decline for clinical significance.

With a baseline of 3.24 and 3.29, the 34 mL reduction equates to:


He defends this term vigorously in the comments section, and is a blatant misrepresentation of facts to mislead investors, as I'm fairly confident Adam understands statistics, or I hope so, as his mantra is "Data Are".

Well, "Data Are" was misrepresented.

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!

over 11 years ago
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