engalicorn's Profile

engalicorn's Posts

National Geographic World's Largest Gold Deposit


"If we can find another one of these giant deposits, that's at least a half-trillion dollars in today's prices, if not twice that,"

about 13 years ago
Re: I'll take those shares Silverback!

Pro tip:


[Witty Sarcasm]

*end sarcasm*

about 13 years ago
Re: Historical Interview with Lori

Great find on this interview! Its nice to hear the whole story again from the begining.

Towards the end of the interview Lori mentioned that they were putting together a video. Has anyone see or heard anymore about this video? That would be great to post in the DD links.

about 13 years ago
Re: President

This was hardly a toxic comment. I think anyone with mining investments is concerned about the political environment that is in store for Peru.

Ollanta Humali has some questions to answer when it comes to his relations and political alliances with Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. And as we all can remember from the very publicized takeover of private oil firm properties in Venezuela. This type of action from Ollanta Humali would be a disaster for foreign investment.

I hope that Ollanta Humali realizes that private investment of its resources is the only sensible option for bringing wealth and prosperity to his nation.


about 13 years ago
Re: SLI vs TRE

45 million shares traded already. They have lost 159 million in market share and its only 4 hours into the day.

over 13 years ago
Interesting Level 2 Today?

Anything of interest on the Level 2? This is the higest volume we have seen since June 8th and we still have 2 and a half hours left in the trading day.

The last REALLY big day was when the NR on the Enviromental Impact Study was released. We traded just under a million shares that day.

Oh how I wouldn't mind another big NR this week.

over 13 years ago
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