emperor's Profile

emperor's Posts

Re: Falcon Oil & Gas boosted by significant Aussie shale gas milestone

Very happy with current results. The flow rates are good and permeability and porosity comparable to Bakken. Of course the elephant in the room is the moratorium. But I am personally optimistic--with Origen an Aussie operator-and safe initial tests--plus evidence of a potentially massive NG deposit- and federal Aussie government supportive-I think we will get moratorium lifted with 12 months.JMO.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Thoughts on Amungee/Beetaloo...

While not block buster initial flow rates may be just fine. Far more important will be decline rate and stabilized flow,price of natural gas at time of production,cost of production and transport, and regulatory environment. agree with management encouaging--but need to wait for production testing.

Still believe ban on fracking will be lifted for moderate royalty.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Falcon Value Drivers...

All that really matters short term is good initial gas flows and good 90 day production tests.

If a vast productive commercial resource is inferred by testing--pressure from federal government to approve fracking in exchange for safety guarantees and a royalty will be immense. Probably will take 6-12 months. If moratorium lifted and initial data is excellent falcon will be rewarded. Poor test--it will hungary all over again.

about 8 years ago
Re: Another bad news !! Anti-fracking party wins!!

We still need fracking process to go well
Next we need production testing to be excellent show healthy flows with normal decline rates

But the biggest hope- is that Australian politicians are like American ones - the absolute scum of the earth with no principles at all -saying what is necessary to get elected
Hopefully some personal gain- call clintons to learn proper technique- and an increase in royalty fees to save face- and we may still see our investment pay off

Have confidence in politicians complete lack of honesty and integrity

about 8 years ago
Aussie northern territory weather



Been in and out of falcon since 2006--back in with good position-await testing of horizontal well with great anticipation--expect a dramatic difference from the disappointment we felt when Exxon hit an aquafer-and left.

Testing horizontal well should be possible earlier rather than later in the already announced May June timeframe--based on weather--appears no prolonged rainy season this year

over 8 years ago
Re: Beg to disagree with a few

I think not having a revenue producing well from Hungary haunts us at Falcon.We all remember the optimistic picture that Bruner painted.I think a rapid increase in pps depends on initial horizontal well flow rates,flow decline rates, and the economics of such production.If we get a robust well without excessive decline rate, and the cost of extraction dwarfs our expenses--such success will be extrapolated across our vast acreage.If the horizontal well is disappointing--pps will not rise significantly until more positive data replaces it.

over 10 years ago
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