elsolivars's Profile

elsolivars's Posts

Re: After MKT close E-Trade

under the following link there is nothing which shows after hour tradings


may it´s possible to give us the e-trade link



over 12 years ago
Attendance list

is anybody of the attender of the shm able to give a note who is ruling the company,

means who is holding which numbers of shares ??????

thank´s in advance


over 12 years ago
Re: I must have been at a DIfferent Shareholders Meeting or in the Twilight Zone

many thank´s for this notes.

If I remember long time ago, there was a shareholder-meeting, which was ruled

by lecky as well. must be six years ago, or something like this. at this time he

was answered questions which are going to the board........ remember they aren´t

able to answer.

So , the same procedere like ...... years ago.

I still believe it´s absolutely bullshit to hear, that the bosses (the shareholder)

believes the board has to cut their salary to answer that there is no nessecity.

who is kidding who ???

once again thanks for your notes, they are the gist of the matter.


over 12 years ago
Re: I would not be too surprised...

espec. tomorrow !!!!!

best regards


over 12 years ago
Re: Just a suggestion, but only one question for the shareholder meeting....

hey ronran,

as a user, long time here on board, can you please explain to me on which rules

the company can dictate the lenght on the meeting time, not knowing in advance

how many and what questions they have to estimate.

in my point of view the company didn´t want to solve our questions !, so they

limit the time, isn´t it ??????

if so, what have I have to think about the leadership of our company (from

owner-view) ??? they are kidding me ????

thanks in advance for your answer


over 12 years ago
Re: Would someone please ask the BoD

if the company didn´t answer all question , then the audiance has to make a

note to the minutes about this circumstances, because then the shareholder-

meeting will be not ok. and the company get´s in trouble.

in my point of view the company is still in a bad situation, so at least what

has to add insult to injury ?


over 12 years ago
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