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Re: The Realities of Las Cristinas

Quote: ...People are always telling me "The past is the past and it's a new day for KRY". Well I think you could pretty much just change the date on this latest financial/progress report and it would read just like all the others from 2002 onward... end of quote

Civi: do not dispair my friend. Most of us are in agreement with you. As long as El Comandante is around, the circus will continue... for now. There are lots of clowns around the circus and all playing and betting the soap opera continues... at the expense of naive people.

Well let me tell you... the circus is going to end sonner than later. The big guys are closing in Colombia and Omama is very unlikely to have Hugo "el Grande" around. He just does not fit the plans. Election or not, his fate is already sealed... The chinese on the other hand are key spectators investing big in the area. IMO, The pie is already sliced.

KRY will go up and own... we may see a pop on Monday as we saw it in the past ...but as you said it.. the same old game. Sit down and wait.. the final act of the soap opera has begun. Oops! I forgot... 6 million S of RML in two days.


about 14 years ago
Re: The real reason for delaying ... ???

Sit comfortably... and wait for the final game to unveil. Sooner than later this will all end and the manipulators will end also. EG

Article | 07/30/2010

Terrorists on video : Colombia proves -- again -- that Venezuela is harboring...

A20 (Post)

...Organization of American States about Venezuela's hosting of the FARC terrorist movement...and the right, is deeply...

about 14 years ago
Re: buyout is next... but not quite yet.

Dear all... the game is the same over and over... they want your shares.. the more they have, the less you've got. So, they will make you desperate and dissapointed to the point that you will give in. The manipulators cannot push the SP up now and show up in a few month with a buyout offer... this would cost them $$$ dearly. They will first try to get more shares and bleed you out of patience and then try to buy you out.

All in all, the deal is good. As I said it many times... El comandante cannot bump us out w/o, but make no mistake... there is no room for us in the long term... so the buy out is a sure thing IMO... but be patient. Given the price of gold and his rush to keep in power, he struck this deal. I agree with most of you... he wont' mess around with the chinese. .. his seat depends on this. After all, his fate is already sealed and he'll go away sooner than later.

Good luck to all.


over 14 years ago
Re: KRY is the only mining company that.... !!! ???

Forget it about KRY being needed... el comandante is about to take a major step towards his plan for re-election by obtaining the favor of the masses of ilegal miners... yes the same ones that have been mining for him during the last decade. Now he'll make it ... conveniently... and before election time... oficial.... because now Hugo el Grande is concerned about the environment.... we all change don't we?

IMO, KRY is not in the equation. Sudden and abrupt usurpation of KRY rights by VZ in the coming week will give KRY management more ammunition for a legal battle... if they have the air to run it. I believe we are up for a major move soon... I feel it will be down and badly.

I hope I am wrong... for the sake of all who wish otherwise.


over 14 years ago
Re: And another version (!!) no mention of KRY at all !!

Guys... unless my spanish has gone dormant... the article from El Universal ( known to side with El Comandante) clearly mentions RML and not KRY. Not that it matters since these are just news to keep misleading people. Now we have Put-In visiting.... wow!!. He's travelling just to tell his friends up north that he can get closer enough to intrude... but of course.. he will not dare to do anything that places him at odds with his partners. It is just a matter of splitting the big cake.

El Comandante... well ... the clock is ticking faster and faster. When Omama takes care of the Amedinash affair... things will move much faster...

Just my two cents.

over 14 years ago
Re: Another minister is gone !!

just out of the presses... IMO...something is on the making

Renunció otro ministro de Chávez: ya se fueron ocho en menos de dos meses

21:27|Se trata del titular de la cartera de Educación Superior, quien aspira a entrar al Congreso venezolano. La oposición asegura que se debe a su posición "blandengue" durante el paro de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.


over 14 years ago
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