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Re: *** TO ALL *** Important Background Re:'Our' Judge, Hon. Jon S. Tigar

Hey Giants ~ ha ha.. HA HA.. POINT TAKEN!

I probably SHOULD have said: 'Our' Judge Tigar SUPPORTS "The Little (sorta-broke) Guy"!

Regards, e.Digital Soldier

over 9 years ago
*** TO ALL *** Important Background Re:'Our' Judge, Hon. Jon S. Tigar

*** TO ALL *** Important Background Re:'Our' Judge, Hon. Jon S. Tigar ~

1. First, He's originally a 1989 (*Very Liberal, West Coast) Berkeley Law Grad.. And very Very Tech-Smart Lawyer / Court Judge, ie; *He Practiced 8 yrs in the SF Bay area / Silicon Valley Tech Legal Arena..


"..Before taking the bench, Judge Tigar practiced complex commercial litigation at Keker & Van Nest in San Francisco"

*So.. WHY is THIS minor-fact 'Important' to the future e.Digital Litigation, you ask?

*BECAUSE... 'Our' Hon. Judge Jon Tigar (then an:) Key Tech-Attorney with a #1 Tech Law Firm: Keker & Van Nest, they, Keker & Van Nest represented:

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. VS. Avant Corporation:

"We (Keker & Van Nest) secured an injunction, restitution and settlement monies totaling $460 million for our client Cadence Design Systems, Inc. in a trade secret misappropriation suit against Avant! and its founders. After successfully handling the civil matter, the largest trade secret litigation to date, we referred the case to the Santa Clara County District Attorney which secured criminal convictions of the company and four executives."

And.. 'our' Hon. "..Jon S. Tigar is also a member of the American Law Institute.. and serves as an Adviser to the forthcoming.. 'Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Economic Loss." ..US Law Re-vision Program..

*And.. In his 'early days', 92' - 94'.. 'Our' Hon Judge Jon S. Tigar, served 2 yrs. as a Bay Area Public Defender.

*Translation: Tigar respresents 'The little ($ broke) guy'

2. There IS no (freaking) 2.

Best regards to All, e.Diital Soldier ~

over 9 years ago
Re: The Board concluded its analysis with an admonishment that..

*Well done, Bankerson ~ Re:

"..The Board concluded its analysis with an admonishment that Petitioner must comply with the Board’s procedural rules for the remainder of this proceeding.

*Seems to me, Micron Tech just PI$$ED away their LAST 'Get Outa-Jail Free Card', no? ..ummm, Yes! (..cool beans!)

*Best to All, e.Digital Soldier ~

over 9 years ago


*Not sure if these have previously shared ~ (*Thanks Iamfriendly, or original 'lead')


*Or scroll down here ~

Regards to All, e.Digital Soldier


Home » e.Digital

Symbol of law and justice in the empty courtroom, law and justice concept.

Court Rules in favor of e.Digital

e.Digital and Micron Technology each presented evidence addressing the proper construction of six disputed claim terms in patent #5,839,108

March 24, 2015


e.Digital files patent infringement suit against Oco Camera, Ivideon, Global Innovations etc

Nunchi technology involves the retrieval of data from fixed or mobile sensors

February 23, 2015

usb flash in the hand isolated on white

e.Digital files patent infringement suits against HP, Hagiwara, Kingfast, MemoRight, FMJ, RunCore etc.

The patent involves a method of memory management for non-volatile memory

February 22, 2015

over 9 years ago
BLR and ALL ~ Re: "..I think Handal planned it this way."

BLR and ALL ~ Re: "..I think Handal planned it this way."

1. *No disrepect intended, to all you (fine) Attorney's out there, but.. ('Black Labs' is correct) ..Law Firms don't get-outa-BED.. Without a well thought-out PLAN!

And, JMHO but, Handal appears to be ALL OVER these e.Digital cases! (*Like.. 6 ways from Sunday! ..All over'em!). *Not to mention; You can be sure, before 'they' (Handal) EVER 'turned-a-wheel'.. They heavily researched AND 'believed'.. TO THEIR TOES! ..there was a NICE little 'Payday'.. wait'in fo'em on the back-end of ALL these e.Digital Claims.. Or believe me; They woulda NEVER gotten OUTA that.. (*See above: 'bed') ..BED ..ALL those countless 'legal hours' ago! ~ So, yeah.. I'm guess'in.. Nobody's hav'in ta remind Handal when AND where AND what time ta show-up in Distric Court! ~ And I, for one.. LIKE that!

2. There IS no 2.

*Again, Well said, 'BLR' ~ You hit-it Right on-the-head!

..Next ~

Regards to all ~ e.Digital Soldier

over 9 years ago
*Just a simple and (fairly) obvious charting-observation here ~

Hello all ~

*Just a simple and (fairly) obvious charting-observation here ~ And I realize, for most of you Pros, this is (boring) 'CHARTING 101' stuff ~ Nevertheless, I thought it worthy of board awareness, for Pro's AND 'fools' like me ~ smile!

Best regards, e.Digital Sioldier

*So, here's the e.Digital (1) year (+) 100 day MA (Moving Average) chart, *And JMHO here; but it appears to indicate(s); A textbook 'Flag Pole' AND (progressively-narrowing trading range) 'Pennant Flag'.. It may be worthy to add: As this (apparent?) Pennant possibly continues to narrow.. AND, the 100 day M.A. (possibly) grows closer & closer to 'meeting'(?) ..'crossing'? ..Intersecting? ..Yeah well, THAT's usually when things (JMHO again) may.. May.. MAY.. get interesting!


*Here's a brief explanation of these interesting 'Flag Pole & Pennant' Charting Indicators ~

*And I'll let you all (inividually) draw your own personal opinion(s) & conclusions, re: all-of-the-above & below potential possibilities ~

*Note: I make NO personl or public Future Prediction(s), with regard to ANY Future EDIG Perrformance and/or Share Price movement(s) ~ Just say'in.. e.Digital Soldier

*LINK: http://www.investopedia.com/university/charts/charts6.asp

ByInvestopedia Staff

Analyzing Chart Patterns: Flags And Pennants

By Chad Langager and Casey Murphy, senior analyst of ChartAdvisor.com

The flag and pennant patterns are two continuation patterns that closely resemble each other, differing only in their shape during the pattern's consolidation period. This is the reason the terms flag and pennant are often used interchangeably. A flag is a rectangular shape, while the pennant looks more like a triangle.

These two patterns are formed when there is a sharp price movement followed by generally sideways price movement, which is the flag or pennant. The pattern is complete when there is a price breakout in the same direction of the initial sharp price movement. The following move will see a similarly sharp move in the same direction as the prior sharp move. The complete move of the chart pattern - from the first sharp move to the last sharp move - is referred to as the flag pole.

The flag or pennant is considered to be flying at half-mast, as the distance of the initial price movement is thought to be roughly equal to the proceeding price move. The reason these patterns form is that after a large price movement, the market consolidates, or pauses, before resuming the initial trend.

The Flag
The flag pattern forms what looks like a rectangle. The rectangle is formed by two parallel trendlines that act as support and resistance for the price until the price breaks out. In general, the flag will not be perfectly flat but will have its trendlines sloping.

Figure 1: The flag pattern

In general, the slope of the flag should move in the opposite direction of the initial sharp price movement; so if the initial movement were up, the flag should be downward sloping.

The buy or sell signal is formed once the price breaks through the support or resistance level, with the trend continuing in the prior direction. This breakthrough should be on heavier volume to improve the signal of the chart pattern.

The Pennant
The pennant forms what looks like a symmetrical triangle, where the support and resistance trendlines converge towards each other. The pennant pattern does not need to follow the same rules found in triangles, where they should test each support or resistance line several times. Also, the direction of the pennant is not as important as it is in the flag; however, the pennant is generally flat.

Figure 2: The Pennant

General Ideas
While the construct of the pause in the trend is different for the flag and pennant, the attributes of the chart patterns themselves are similar. It is vital that the price movement prior to the flag or pennant be a strong, sharp move.

Typically, these patterns take less time to form during downtrends than in uptrends. In terms of pattern length, they are generally short-term patterns lasting one to three weeks, but can be formed over longer periods.

The volume, as with most breakout signals, should be seen as strong during the breakout to confirm the signal. Upon breakout, the initial price objective is equal to the distance of the prior move added to the breakout point. For example, if a prior sharp up movement was from $30 to $40, then the resulting price objective from a price breakout of $38 would be $48 ($38+$10).

Best regards, e.Digital Sioldier

over 9 years ago
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