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Re: News release - correction

Some of the discussion I have seen indicate it will be before the end of next week. I think they will give us time to digest the recent NR first and then throw another bone in a few days. IMO


over 12 years ago
Re: For those interested !!

Im hanging on Kemo!! Lets see this thing through


over 12 years ago
Re: Mineralized to depth

Its great news! I know everyone is trying to average the results over the entire interval but that is just not possible or wise because it will be wrong. You can however scale the results because the intercepts are narrow and it will make you feel more warm and fuzzy on the inside.


in the NR

says 23.5 ppm(g/t - same thing) over .74 m (seems like a short interval)

This is the same as hitting 17.39 m of 1g/t (57ft of 1g/t) which sounds much better

You do not know the lateral extent of the vein so you will not know the total reserves until there are accurate models built but IMHO the results are promising. Please do not attempt to average the entire zone you will be distributing inaccurate information.

Could someone tell me if we would have access to all of the results (including the under 1g/t) and possible locations of the holes and trajectories? That would paint a nice picture...IMHO



over 12 years ago
Re: What happens when SLI puts out great results that

Primed makes a good argument and I dont think that his opinion is a "doom and gloom". His argument is perfectly valid. We know (or should know) that the results will vary from every trench and drill core. And we also should know that the oviod means nothing until we drill through it. There has been a ton of DD done and the opinions vary on what the results will be, lots of conservatvie estimates and some over expectation as well. I dont think anyone should chastise primed for making making a good argument about expectation, especially when we have not seen cores yet. It is a good wake up call to only invest what you can afford to lose, not only SLI (which I still belive will be a great success!) but other investments. I still have confidence in our investment but I will temper my excitement until results are in the bag and released. Thanks for the good article Primed!! Merry Xmas everyone dont get too fat over the holidays!!

As always IMHO


almost 13 years ago
Re: Timeline on assays

There is a bit more to it than that I would say that drilling (just straight drill, not coring) will take that amount of time. Assuming this rig is probably small (single) meaning it can only hold 1-30 ft joint of pipe in the derrick, and the fact this is hard rock you will probably on have 30 ft of core barrel. This means that you will be able to drill 30 ft of core and you must pull out of the hole every 30 ft to break out your core. The drilling time will be greatly increased by doing this because your ROP is much slower when coring to make sure your core is in good shape when you get it out (it might be 12 hr round trip for 30 ft of core). Remember this depends on a lot of things (length of core interval, rig type, new bit?). I dont want to be the Debbie Downer here but I would estimate that @ 500 meter hole depth, through hard rock (granite, hematite, pyrite stringers, quartz etc) the estimation would be more accurate at 3 weeks per hole. This would include rig moves which can take a while with older equipment. That means we are currently on hole #4. Just a drilling engineers perspective.

IMHO as always


almost 13 years ago
Re: A few questions

Hey everyone just created an account to add a few things, great forum by the way.

Mopar and Cal raise good points,

Seismic acquisition is used by the oil industry in the exact same way. Siesmic and titan technology can only tell you so much data. You will never be able to tell exactly what is there, however you will be able to for instance know that gas filled porosity registers 40-50hz when entrained in a dolomitic limestone. This is how the quantec results are interpreted, using existing knowledge and a baseline (which may or may not be correct for the area). In order to confirm these results you will core an area to confirm interpretation. Once confirmed you change the degree of certainty of what you have from possible to probable and can better use the quantec results.

Probable can be changed into "reserves" with multiple drill holes and possibly logging. Once we tell people we have confirmed having a certain amount of reserves then we will get maximum value.

In my experience (in oil and gas, not gold)

Possible will be bought for 10% of interpretation

Probable will be bought for 50-60% of interpretation

Reserves for 90-100%

This means it is essential for us to prove the property.

I hope this is clear as mud and that I have been able to contribute something to the board that has taught me so much about stocks

this is IMHO


almost 13 years ago
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