drbtmde's Profile

drbtmde's Posts

Terrible BoD? - Never!

If there was anything helpful to do, if there was a simple chance to earn money with those patents (the most important in the microprocessor history??? - wake up!) we didn't stop to believe in for years, a real company like intel, microsoft, google, rambus, siemens, infineon, mistubishi... would swallow this barrack immediately out of their petty cash. Finally take the truth in: There is nothing left. This horse is really as dead as mutton. Even requests for reexaminations at the uspto are not worth the candle. Maybe pdsg leaves a little peace of hope... - I can't imagine. I sell as soon as possible. 3K EUR for 80K shares are better than nothing.

about 13 years ago
Re: I surrender - and I proceed!!

"After seven years I have added more (in the last two months) because I still have confidence that PTSC will prevail. As I've said many times the patent business is harsh AND it's a gamble - and I decided the odds are in our favour."

Typical attitude - and one of the main reasons for the German success!

over 13 years ago
Re: I said it before

Is it possible to choose one or two shareholder-representatives and arrange a meeting with the main responsible persons of ptsc? I can't see any reason why they wouldn't agree to it. The harmless subject of such a meeting (or informal date) should be: What is the current situation of ourcompany?

over 13 years ago
Re: Tell us something

Each of these statements and more than ever your overall statement are knock-out criteria for anyone who purposes to get into the market. Furthermore they are reason enough to get out of this stock as fast as possible in case of being already invested. What can it be that moves all the disappointed, disaffected and rightly angry agoracom-members (me included) to this website full of crying and dejection? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why don’t we sell, say good bye and never come back and finally forget all the suffering day by day … for years? Are we rabbits in front of the vehicle lights? Or masochists who love the pain? Are we crazy – trusting in miracles or in Jesus the savior? Maybe a little of all… and maybe there is a small leftover of reasonable hope. In order to feel better (weekend is near!) we should invest our energy in the last one. Are there any ideas?

over 13 years ago
Re: Are we about to make a run????

Reaching a more realistic view on the situation (after yearlong foolish aspiration – without any cause) it is obvious that this share is not undervalued. If it would be the (meanwhile more solvent(really?)) company would buy back byhookorbycrook. But they do not. Nor does any serious investor. So it remains what it is and what it was and what it ever will be: a matchless nuisance. I would leave and never come back, but with my paltry 100k a selling is more trouble than it's worth...

over 13 years ago

More and more a bad suspicion regarding the SP and the volume based on substantiates: This board creates (consciously or not) uncertainty. Reading the last 50 pages nobody would touch this thing with the nipper pliers. It's a great pity... Drb

about 14 years ago
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