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dondon's Posts

Re: The Most Pernicious Element Depressing Connacher/Glindway

Ill second that,Brian logic and patterns dictate the proper course ,this bullboard for one is a good indicator when the naysayers rise(pun) so too will CLL FWIW .10 cents seems to be the swing give or take a penny just my "backhand" eh

almost 14 years ago
Re: The Most Pernicious Element Depressing Connacher

JMHO but I go along with Rebels,the MMs have walked the price down,in advance of the update on production,$1.20 was the entry they were seeking,anything lower is a bonus,we should se a slow climb back up over the $1.30 as production levels rise Market Mannipulation is a fact that has to be taken serious,the pattern is there for Connacher as it is for most small Caps,hey I still hold some .68 shares as do some other longs,but right now there is some money to be made with the MMs in charge..

almost 14 years ago
Re: What says you?

IMHO volume indicates MMs at work,hey even the bull boards have their usual wannabee mms languaging their erudite opinions ,for me its same old same old,the trick is to time their moves and play for the few crumbs that are out there??

almost 14 years ago
Re: Hard times

hey UNIONS have had their day in the sun now we pay for guarantying the non producers their jobs,hey even Connacher has to tow the line Unions are on the way out as business close and start over offering workers a fair wage but less benefits,do that and all will be well in the West JMHO eh?

almost 14 years ago
Re: Price Inflation

if memory serves me Connachers debt is in USD while its cash flow is in CAD IMHO this was and is inevitable,RESOURCES will be king

about 14 years ago
Re: Bloomberg

today Bunberg reports NYMEX crude down $2.60 Globeinvestor also reported NYMEX at least,good ole Crude Oil Price .com was reporting WTI as down .69 alas Connachers investors seem to have taken their cue from NYMEX,unless something has changed CLL uses WTI hey JMVHO eh..

about 14 years ago
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