dolee's Profile

dolee's Posts

Re: I want what we were promised

Lori showed up late, and about 10 minutes before the meeting started, where were told her plane was slightly delayed, so she would be running a tad late. When she arrived, she obvsioulsy didnt have time to prepare and orient herself with the rooms presentation eqipment and was looking for the remote to change the slides. In no way shape or form would I say that she was not sober. Absolutely not. Once she got herself settled in she did a 20 minute presentation which she certainly could not have excecuted under the influence of anything.

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

Not quite that simple apparently! As she explained, golds value would not be so great if it was that easy to target.

over 12 years ago
Re: Someone post something.

did you expect material information?

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

she said, "drill it or kill it" or something along those lines,meaning shes going to drill until shes finds the source and is quite confident that the source is on our property

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

to that she said that the trenching results got bumped back so they could get the drilling results out sooner, which is what we all wanted.. and that we should be due for our next batch soon, as they are sending them in in batches...

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

She said Havaliah should be out in 2-3 weeks.

Drilling of the current phase could still take 6 months. However if they hit the anomoly then it would all end.

Two drills on site.

The three deep dills will be done last, as they are most expensive, and if we hit our target the deep drills may not even be needed.

As of today, the anomoly has not been hit.

They are not taking samples around the anomoly as people have sugguested. They are trying to hit it, however, drilling is not an exact science but they are zeroing in on the target.

over 12 years ago
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