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dogteam's Posts

A point of view from a new poster.

This is the first time I've joined our SLI discussion although I've been following along for months. I bought my first shares just over a year ago.

We decided to celebrate Christmas a little differently in Dec. and spend some time in Vancouver, definitely taking the AGM date into account, thinking it would be great to be able to attend. I've never bought shares in a company before so had no expectations of what my first AGM would be like....thank goodness!

As a previous poster commented, I was "disappointed" even shocked! I was told that I wouldn't be allowed admission into the meeting because I was only a beneficiary shardholder and not a registered shareholder. I soon realized there was a whole group of us in the same position. This took me by complete surprise since I just assumed as a shareholder that has supported SLI and helped to fund its progress up to this point, I would be welcome, naive to say the least!

One of my reasons for wanting to attend was to see what kind of person Lori was, thinking meeting her in person would explain to me what many others have seen firsthand. Well, I was extremely disappointed. She walked by our group several times with a smug look on her face, never looked any of us in the eye or attempted in any manner to meet any of her shareholders in that hallway. She came across very arrogant and complacent about showing any acknowledgement of her own shareholders who have supported her for years whether we were dissidents or not, I don't think it should have mattered. I certainly walked away with a definite impression of Lori as our present CEO. Simply put, how can someone who comes across so disinterested, unprofessional, acting in her own interests with no regard for her majority shareholders, be the right person to lead this company, SLI,....I think not!

As of our latest news of our 91% win, we can be really encouraged that we are on the right track. Wishing us all the best in this year of change!!

All IMO.

over 11 years ago
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