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trading halt and calvista buy out by aux

well well well, here we go

cvz is in consolidation mode whit aux and we are halt this morning, we will finally have answers on all our questions, this is quite exciting considering the 100% premium aux just gave to calvista shareholders , its our turn now its our turn



almost 12 years ago
Re: New presentation

well it seems to me that we have been HIJACK!!!!! PERIOD !!!

all of us retailer will receive a buck or so for our longterm investment which is ridiculous,

you know , behind the door while you negociate a transaction like this one for months

(because we all know the deal have not been negociate and finalize whitin 72 hours)

its quite easy to give away the project to the buyers if the buyers agree to give you back a reasonable part of the difference of the price he was ready to pay !!!!! it could be done in so many different ways that no one will ever see it , even worst if you do see it , exemple would be receiving tons of option in the new corp !!!!! you and i would not have a word to say

so here is my conclusion

whit this deal , this management proved me they were in no way different that the bozo we had before

my shares are sold and i will remember

thanks to all of the followers here we had a very good time following this history and i wish you all well guys


10-4 over

almost 12 years ago

i m surprise that some are surprise there is no explosion in share price this morning whit that release.

for the ones who expect a good ROI patience will be need , brian did positionned PDG

as producer , i repeat there is 48 months AT LEAST before we see some real numbers.

explorer whit stuff in the ground for sale excite the investors , futur producer? ... bof we have plenty of time whit this one. lets get some action whit the ones that could be ready to blow !!!!!

my money invested here is dead money for a while , i keep my position because we just never know what could happen , i don t expect much from this investment for a long long time


about 12 years ago

why should we have a buying frenzy?

if we would be an explorer almost ready to sale the whole enchilada you would see some very nice action on the share price, instead we positionned ourselves as producers, now between today and the first trimestrial results there is few years, i repeat FEW YEARS , no one is on the rush to buy in those conditions , investors are looking for quick and safe profit, i see no one of both here


about 12 years ago
Re: Selling out..

i certainly don t , in fact i m still waiting whit my dry powder for the share price to reach the mid 40 s i called a month ago to complete my final and long position , i had doubt last week i would be able to fill the 45 cents bid but whit the late move of the global market i am more than confident that i ll be a happy camper pretty soon , then it will be the patience mode for a while until we reach production



over 12 years ago
Re: Stange buy/sells Rico

doc you said ... I fully expect that at least one of you gurus will inform me the day before the next time that this is going to happen so that I may buy a ton for a day trade

i may not be a guru but buying low 60 s resaling low 70 s represent a juicy 15% gain

i dont know for you but i don t really care if i have to wait 7-8 or even 15 days to cash my benefit and it did happen quite a few times since beginning of 2012 (4 times in fact)

low 60 s are there again ..... up to you to move or not on it

good luck


over 12 years ago
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