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Re: Stock Price

The reason share price is going down is that Zen has just raised $3mil from investors which is over 30 days of trading.

I am certain that there is just a small circle of people who invest in Zen because to invest in Zen one has to do an awful lot of heavy lifting in their DD. With no investment coverage, no promotion on any of the traditional investment channels (Motley Fool) there is little incentive to buy and little awareness of this company.

If I was an investor who wanted to put money in the clean tech space, it would be very unlikely I would find Zen as one of my top ten choices. The value in Zen literally has to be mined.

Because of all the above, we have just exhausted the investment dollars of the current share holders of ZEN and there is very little money that we can expect to shore up the share price.

I had at least hoped that we would remain at the $0.75 level and we most likely will stay there on light trading.

I had also expected or anticipated some more transformational news than a new study with concrete. Four weeks ago we seemed ripe for great news with the trade mission to Israel and meetings between Kathleen Wynne and the Hearst mayor.

The MOU with Larisplast may lead to a billion dollar market. However, who is going to be attracted to invest from the news? Not anyone who wants to invest in the clean tech graphite space. Likely not anyone who wants to invest in concrete (I don't know if there is anyone who does). Furthermore, without the accompanying blue sky dreams from a respected investment reporter who walks through the numbers and proclaims that ZEN is an investment that will lead someone to become stinking rich, we likely remain where we are.

Good news will come. But with Zen it seems to always come very slowly and painfully.

about 8 years ago
Re: What a bunch of optimists we are

I already bought all I can this week. I thought there would be growing momentum. I guess I was the momentum.

over 8 years ago
Re: What a bunch of optimists we are

I am anticipating better news than what we have already received and it looks like most ZEN investors agree.

I would feel more comfortable with a steady sp increase than the current stagnant or declining sp in light of potentially good news.

over 8 years ago
What a bunch of optimists we are

Current ZEN sp - $0.78

Current Zen.rt sp - $0.01 which values Zen at $0.90.

We have a good number of investors today who would rather buy an option to purchase Zen at $0.90 in the next three weeks than buy Zen today at $0.78.

Zen investors are stating that they aren't that impressed with the concrete MOU. Although we appreciate a press release and another potential market, the future for ZEN will not be as a concrete additive.

We are still expecting more from the trade mission and will be rather disappointed if there is no further developments. We need either money from the government, or some further catalyst that demonstrates that ZEN isn't just in the research and development business, but is actually making progress towards producing a marketable product.

There will be lots of disappointed investors if the price of ZEN isn't above $0.90 in three weeks.

over 8 years ago
Re: Most important part of news release

I need to clarify something which I stated earlier. As I read the press release I did mix nano-particles and graphene together. There seems to be a fair bit of overlap between the two materials as purified nano-graphite is a prerequisite for graphene and graphene-nanoparticles from this press release.

Perhaps the $30K I mentioned earlier is an amibitious figure to sell our product in this specialized market. And we may not be at the graphene production stage yet. However, having the ability to sell purified graphite nano-particles is likely worth the upper end of the synthetic market ($20K/ton USD).

over 8 years ago
Most important part of news release

Ok - this is not the most exciting or sexy application that we are hoping for. Concrete is just your run of the mill foundation here in Canada. But, in the middle east if it is the choice between life and death then this admixture could be worth billions in unstable countries. Googling cement in Israel states that it is so important that there is actually cement smuggling. Outside of labour costs, it is the most expensive part of buildling a house in israel already.

The cost of cement is about $200 CDN per ton, so developing a mixture with graphene would not be common use, but an exotic product for high value assets. (How much do you think the US would pay to build embassies from explosion proof products?)

The most important part of the press release were the words:

Zenyatta is responsible for the manufacturing of nano-graphite and any related treatment from its Albany graphite deposit. The Company will create nano-graphite in several levels of purity with certain specifications.

This states that through the varioius levels of partnership and current research that Zenyatta will control the production of graphene and that they are seeing this production as part of their business plan.

As I have been inwardly chuckling at Musky's huge prices for graphene and then for the ZEN operation, my main criticism against his valuations was the actual production of graphene itself. I imagined our raw graphite be shipped to a company that developed a prioprietary way to produce graphene which then in turn would be marketed.

I estimate that the breakdown could possibly be 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. One third for raw product. One third for graphene production. One third for graphene marketing.

Therefore, if grpahene could be sold for $60K/ton I assumed, ZEN would receive maybe $20k.

With this release, Zen is stating that they are taking responsibility from raw product through marketing of graphene.

I don't think that $60k/ton will be a long term sustainable price for commercial applications for graphene. However, if the final cost drops to $30K/ton and we get the whole pie because we own and produce the graphene ourselves then I will be ecstatic.

over 8 years ago
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