dipper44's Profile

dipper44's Posts

New High !

A new high for PRB on fairly low volumes and little to no hype!

It seems that we all know what is coming next.

I love this gem!

about 8 years ago
Re: Dipper44.

At stockwatch.com

Shorts for ikm.V as of April15 is only 258 shares!

over 9 years ago
Goldcorp Dividend

For all those who still are holding Goldcorp shares I have found some interesting information about G:TO dividends .

These dividends will be paid in USD and if they are deposited in your Canadian account your Broker will convert them to Canadian dollars and charge a Foreign conversion fee that can be quite high.

To prevent this you can advise your broker to have the dividend journaled to USD side of your account if you have one so it would be depsited in US funds and there would not be a fee.

This is a nice surprise as our dividend just increased 20 % plus to .06 /share.

Now if only the G:TO shares were in USD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wishfull thinking!!!!!!!?????????????

Take Care

over 9 years ago
Re: Conversations with Dave and Patrick

I talked to someone at PRB and was told the low grade results were basically unchanged so the info would not change things and the high grade results were not all back!!!!!!!!

We should be the judge of what is pertinent and what isn't!!!!!!!!!!!

over 9 years ago
Re: Buyout

I have a number of questions that I would like someone to try and answer:

1.Does PRB have to inform the shareholders of any relevant or pertinent info reguarding the assay reports before the vote to accept GC's offer or do the the Shareholders rely on the BOD to look after our best interests.Are we not by Law entitled to this knowledge.

2.Does Goldcorp have access to this information before their offer to buy?Would this not be inside information.

3.Would GC make this offer without knowing what the assay results were?

4.How are we as shareholders able to vote on this Important issue if we do not have the latest facts

There must be guidelines in place to deal with such offers and to protect our shareholders Rights!!!!!!!!

over 9 years ago
PRB Shorts

As of Dec 31/14 the # of PRB shorts is up 4407 to 40307 shares!

over 9 years ago
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