dinoo's Profile

dinoo's Posts

Sold all

Sold all my PDG and bought back GCU after I stood out for a while.

Very dissatisfied with the PDG leadership after Argonaut starved us, "Friendly Business" the worst one shareholder can hear "do not want a bid war," what the hell is that? it is clear that we share owners want to get the best offer, my feeling says that they have declined the better offer, perhaps because some of the PDG leadership to serve on the combined company.

Whatever delighted to be back to Gold Canyon after standing out for 5 months.

Think we are sitting on one of the largest gold mines in Canada.

Good luck to all shareholders.

almost 12 years ago
Expert Analysis

Shane Nagle, National Bank Financial (10/12/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc. recently filed a new technical report for Magino that included an updated resource of 6.6 Moz (up 8% at a cutoff grade of 0.35 g/t Au). . .we continue to model production commencement in H1/16 at a rate of 30 Ktpd, excluding any incremental production from the possible addition of a heap leach. We reiterate our $1.15 target price and Outperform rating."

almost 12 years ago
Toronto Resource Investment Conference

Interview with Brian Maher at the Cambridge House conference in Sept - on page 20


almost 12 years ago
AuRico Gold to Sell the Ocampo Mine for $750million in Cash.


Amazingly, Prodigy has more than twice as much gold and much more for less than a third of that price. Market is sick!

"The 2011 exploration program at Ocampo was a success; Proven and Probable reserves increased by 13% over 2010, to 2.3 million gold equivalent ounces. The underground drilling program in 2011 was also successful in identifying six new underground veins as well as increasing Proven and Probable reserves in 16 of the existing 28 veins."

almost 12 years ago
Expert Analysis

Brian Szeto, Stonecap Securities (10/5/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc. has filed its technical report with regards to its recent resource update at Magino. . .the project is demonstrating a resource that shows very little internal waste and a consistent nature of gold distribution. . .the company will be publishing further metallurgical results shortly, which if heap leaching is shown to work, could further enhance the project's economics."

almost 12 years ago
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