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Anyone have any new info they would like to share?

Just wondering if anyone has any info that they would like to share with the group. It's been a while, didn't know if anything has changed.


almost 9 years ago
Re: Time to stir things up

I have a few questions.

1) Where is the gold that was recovered from the tailings

2) Where is the concentrate

3) How much concentrate do WE own

I don’t see PQ giving back any shares and I don’t see PQ worrying about the SEC filling any charges on him for being a snake in the grass. JMHO

over 9 years ago
Re: wow board is patheticly quiet ............ just the guy holding the bag .....

No, I read every post, just not much to talk about. At least all the pie in the ski crap has stopped...LOL

about 10 years ago
Re: Fridays trading

I would be OK with his estate taking care of that for him.....LOL

about 10 years ago
Re: See something concrete?

I will tie the knot!!!

about 10 years ago
We are close

$.003, not far from zero, God we need a miracle!!!!!

No one post anything anymore, wish someone had something to post, anyway, GLTA

about 10 years ago
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