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devil if you do's Posts

Re: Fundamentals unchanged

None. It's two factors. Sale from Pinetree and the fact that the market baked in potential revenues coming in Q4'14. When that didn't happen they pulled their money from the market.

Warm regards,

Christopher Chu

Taylor Rafferty

T. 212 889 4350

M. 646 647 0749

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2014 9:13 AM

To: Christopher Chu

Subject: Contact Form -

Name: Denis Messier



Your SP has been melting recently. A more than 50% drop in less than two months is not unique on the TSX Venture but I would like to know if there are fundamental reasons for this,other than the manigances of those highly organised shorters and the recent insider sales.



This e-mail was sent from a contact form on POET Technologies

almost 10 years ago
Re: Put a call in to Chris Chu. Waiting for a call back. Eom

I doubt that CC could tell us anything of importance. His last interventiuon was not beneficial.

In the mean time, These prices are good if you are buying. For whatever reasons PTK will fluctuate until news and revenues. As nothing has changed (that I know of ?) I am enjoying the ride and keep buying in encrements of 5000. I feel confident that before the end of june some worthwhile news will lighten up this board.

Let`s see how the day ends.

over 10 years ago
Re: Pinetree added 111,800 shares yesterday

Andrea`s concern is legitimate but unkikely.

Pinetree has been reshuffling its portflio ( summer months are bad news for mining stocks) and this fresh money has to be invested. Where else than in POET? That`s what I have been doing and .... I don`t have access to priviliged informations.

I expect the SP to dwindle some more until serious news. Who cares as we are in for the long term and fluctuations are part of the game.

By the way I was comforted by Gagnon`s quick reaction to this morning article . Nice to know that state of the art scientists are believers in POET`s technology.

70 + ? Why not ....

over 10 years ago
Troubled water

Most of us long`s have been through this several times before. Manupulators are at it again and will certainly resurface several times before this jewel is markettable.

I find it deplorable that fear forces several investors to jump off the train before it gets to the station. There are no more reasons today to respond to this panic wind than yesterday or last month when the SP hit 2.87. This stock is worth 5.00 now because of the promises it carries. If it was traded on Nasdaq that is the price it would be at.

I am buying as much as I can and will continue to do so unless I see guys like Gagnon sell any of their shares. After all he chose to leave a perfectly good job to take a calculated risk with POET.

I believe he knew what he was doing.

over 10 years ago
Re: (long) re: DISCIPLINE

Thanks for the ethical lecture. Some of us needed this. Realism is also a great quality for investors.

I just bought 25000 at the low price of 1.15. I might have been smarter to wait until it hits 1.12 around 13.00 hr but I have to go to the gym and don`t really care if it goes down a bit more. I`m in for the very long haul.

My message at this point is clear enough: either buy more if you believe in this stock or get out .

over 10 years ago
Re: Closing prices for the past few Fridays

You may be on to something Krom, about going up a buck next week or next month. Opinions will leak out of this GSF. In the mean time we all wish short sellers and traders a rude awakening next monday.

over 10 years ago
devil if you do
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