denuzio's Profile

denuzio's Posts

New shares issued!

I saw today that there are 7 million new shares added to the company's total outstanding shares. Randy's kids must need to go to collage. Congrats on winning 2 more years. You won them by default. I must admit Randy's clever poison pill he installed years ago was brilliant. He knew back then he was going to get every penny he could out of ism. Disgusting ......

over 11 years ago
Re: Info

Mr miller has been quiet as a mouse. I thought he'd be human enough to give the shareholders an update. He's too worried about his family's future. At(my) the shareholders expense........

over 11 years ago
Awful quiet

Mr miller has been awful quiet. I think he realizes that he is toast in the mining community. No one will take him serious. It's ashame that he won't just walk away with his ill gotten gains and let this company have some kind of chance to dig out of his disasterous tenure. Be a man and step down.

over 11 years ago

Why hasn't randy released a statement? What defense does he have? He has become rich at the shareholders expense. We cannot even get him out of office. If we do he will drain the remaining money that he hasn't already
Pillaged........ Be a man randy. Do away with the poison pill!!!!!!!

over 11 years ago
Extra extra read all about it...... Ism article in Vancouver sun march 16 th 201

Interesting article. It looks like someone on top is pulling the strings of the Luxembourg company where the $6,000,000 whom the loan was made. Another interesting thing is that the same company SAH had about 20% of the ISM share early on in the company now has an intrest in niniat. Seem like it is a shell company for _a_d_ M_L_ER. How much longer will it take for all the money to evaporate? Not long with randy at the helm....

over 11 years ago
Randy miller

Mr miller is extracting every penny he can out of ISM.... His salary is appx$440,000 a year.(he has done nothing to advance the company.he is actually set us back). His car allowance is$4,500 a month. His investment company recieved$105,000 last year. What does his company do for our company???? Oh,that's right. He loans(company monies)$6,000,000 to???? Randy miller refuses to disclose to whom he loaned the money. That$6,000,000 is now worth $3,500,000. He again has not disclosed how the loan has lost nearly half. If you look at the financial's we are nearly broke.(another year of randy as president we will be) ISM purchased 20% of the potash. We had a option to purchase 30% more. I suspect that we don't have enough money to complete the option. Randy has said for months he is waiting for the report. He has told others he has the report. Mr miller what is the truth?????? I phone his office almost daily. He is never in the office. What does he do for $440,000 a year. I want his job.......

over 11 years ago
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