denarius's Profile

Precious metals only.

denarius's Posts

Re: This is insane.


Your situation is the single biggest danger of any early stage speculative junior explorer,namely illiquidity.If you need the money shortly then you're pretty much screwed,but if not, go do something that you enjoy and wait until the market figures out that these precious metal prices are for real and that GNH has monsterous upside potential!Hope this helps to calm your nerves.


over 13 years ago
Another Positive

Here is another analyst who is positive on GNH.The list is slowly building.Keep the faith.Be right and sit tight!Here is the link,


over 13 years ago
Still one positive TA

The 200 day Simple Moving Average (green line first chart) is still rising which is positive,although the 200 day Exponential Moving Average (green line second chart) has flattened out for the last few months with a slight downward bias which is not so good.Since I'm a pretty simple guy,I'll go with the positive bias of the SMA.Hopefully the charts don't disappear like the last time I tried to show this awhile back.


Charts for Golden Hope Mines Limited (GNH:CA)

$ 0.285
-0.015 (-5.00%)
Volume: 665.95 k
3:56 PM EST 18-Feb-2011

Chart Image

Chart Image

over 13 years ago

Yes,I also trade in my LIRA at Scotia i-Trade.I even have a little bit of GNH in there.One thing you should know is if you buy a foriegn stock in your RRSP/LIRA,and it is not RRSP eligible,there will be a monthly penalty fee applied.I don't know if this fee is standard at all brokerages but at i-Trade it is 1% per month that you hold the stock.Always helps to know these things ahead of time.


over 13 years ago

Looks like our last trade on the pink sheets was De.22 @ 3:19 pm.

3 full trading days in the U.S. with no action.I guess all the computers in the States are snowed

Nice day today in gold and silver.


over 13 years ago
Re: Debbygold:RE:Best way of buying gold


It would take outright fraud to screw you out of pysical that is allocated and audited.GLD and SLV on the NYSE are only promises,not the one's I mentioned.There are way more risks in actually having it in your possession thru theft.(especially how the laws are now.Try and protect your belongings and you'll end up in jail.) In an allocated fund,if the fund firm goes bankrupt,they have NO claim and also if the bank holding it goes bankrupt,they have no claim against the assets either.There is always a way you can get screwed such as your country gets invaded and you're all made slaves,but baring that,I believe you are best protected with what I posted earlier.Again,just my opinion.


over 13 years ago
fort erie
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