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What our recent ring of fire CEO's have been telling us...

in not so many words:

Hey, thanks for all those options and cheap stock I was able to accumulate early thanks to the largesse of retail. When times were good and promising, I used the old proverbial hook that we needed those options to keep, retain and employ the best management as the war chest coffers were needed for exploration instead of salaries.

So I'm sitting on a large slug of stock, and when a payday comes around, I've got to grab the brass ring. I'm getting a bit long in the tooth and I need to cash out. A significant strike of merit only comes around perhaps only once in a miner's lifetime, and I'm getting too old for the travel, winter drilling and sleeping on cots when I visit the base camps. My old bones need, no, require the temperate climes of the bahamas.

I know there are many things that occured during the process that you were not privy too, but thats allright, it worked out good (for me at least) in the end. Chump change and beer money for you-a significant payday and comfortable retirement for me. That's how it works. But don't feel bad, no one else really wanted the deposits either or they would have steped up to the plate.

So again retail, thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.

about 14 years ago
Re: This is the reason geologistd should not run a company

Recent ring of for history has certainly indicated that it's quite easy to be early-on heros and the "nicest guys in the world" to retail-especially when you rely in part on those retail investors. Looks like somebody has to get thrown under the bus, and it sure as hell isn't going to be company management.

We all pays our money and we all takes our chances, but the track record of late (Freewest and now Spider) will certainly make one take a hard look at the risk vs reward equation around McFaulds.

about 14 years ago
Notice of Meeting and Mngt Proxy Circular-

Received the packet in the mail today; damn thing is as big and heavy as a small phone book. This thing could not have been cheap to mail out, however the packet was marked US postage paid so I could not ascertain a cost per unit.

Three shareholders, including a son-in-law in this family voting against. Unfortunately, I could not find the appropriate box eg. "Not only no, but hell no!" to show my displeasure, only For or Against. This has been fun Cliffs-let's do it again real soon, this time with a real bonifide offer, ok?

over 14 years ago
Re: Called FWR

Thanks for calling Mac and getting into the heart of a few issues that needed clarification. Unfortunately, the answers you received should be fairly disturbing to retail shareholders. When the company commits publicly and privately, through BNN and in response to a shareholder's e-mail, to publish the 43-101 prior to Christmas, then this becomes a competency standard.

Once a self-imposed deadline is not met, absent unusual and unforseen circumstances, questions can then arise as to the committment of the management to the endeavor. Reasoned suspicion can be a good asset for any investor in these type of plays. It's difficult enough investment landscape without having a company giving you the impression that they've given up. I hope my impression, based partially upon this latest phone call is in error, but one could easily ask if FRW just wants out at this point. Should we now have any justified faith in the 43-101 coming in the first week of January? How about the second week?

This has the "flavor" of a delaying tactic, that only plays into the hands of Cliffs. Speculation that we may not see this 43-101 should not be viewed as alarmist at this point. The potential good news/bad news here is that Cliffs appear to be in full control of our assets, and that if one were an overly suspicious sob as I have been told I am on more than one occassion, I suspect the resource will be proven up to a much greater extent than Cliffs would like prior to the meeting.

I am also more than suspcious that if Cliffs takes over this play, we may never know the amazing tonage this deposit has to offer. I like to apply the old "golden rule" in my private life as well as my investments, e.g. treat others like you yourself would like to be treated, until such time as they prove unworthy of such treatment. (once they've proven unworthy, then throw them under the bus, the train, whatever you have handy) I'm not quite sure I'm feeling the love from recent events; not quite sure if the treatment of retail at this point as been "worthy".

Cliff's $1 offer appears to me to be an opportunistic takedown. If retail is engaged in fight with one big goliath, we sure don't need to be fighting two...and who exactly was it again that had our backs? Our company that "just wants the area developed?" That appears to give the impression that oh hell, we'll just take what we can get? I can almost get along without such friends. Let retail give this offer the respect it deserves by terminating it with utmost prejudice.

almost 15 years ago
Remember the non-classical definition of insanity?

something to the effect of repeating over and over again one's failed efforts in hopes of acheiving a different result? Yet here we go again, being subjected to endless posts and blatherings from visitors who have but numerous failed prognostications on their ring of fire resumes.

I'm almost quite sure that most FRW shareholders are definitely persuaded by anyone coming here from any other site, where most have been so wrong for so long. Taking into consideration the tried but true adage where the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, perhaps we could modify that adage where the best predictor of a future outcome is past outcomes. How well did the predicted outcomes from the other board work out exactly? Not too good? Damn!

Prognostications rampant from our visitors that Cliffs has the hedgies, large investors and investment banks locked up? Why sure! Look how accurate their dribble has been in the past. Resurrect the tender to Not song once again, so Not can look after our best interests. Hell, why not, let's get together with a proven winner!

Like spittle weeping off the corner of a sleeping drunk's mouth, take it to the bank that tomorrow we will yet again be subjected to another upcoming problem for FRW, another crises, other "done deal" definite outcomes. We should all feel just a little bit better today, knowing that another wave from our concerned friends is upon us. Would almost make one think a higher offer might be in the wings...

almost 15 years ago
Re: dear cliffs, noront, or fwr

I concur with your message and believe you have accurately nailed it. It appeared readily apparent that when the Not take over attempt was first initiated, this board was regaled with numerous posters from the other board, that prior to the attempt, had posted here less than infrequently. Like a multi-hued chameleon, most appeared to be our "friends" when posting here, but another side emerged if one read the Not board.

To be fair, some in fact most likely did own both Not and Frw. But I would wager that a large percentage owned only Not and had quite a bit of money riding on the outcome. I think we all remember that the initial salvo may have started with the phrase "it's a done deal." I wonder how that's working out now.

We were all played here, and in fact, in some respects it continues. Posters were played, Freewest, the backer of this board was played, and to an extent, Agoracom got played. I don't think anyone of us has any idea of the number of posts that well pulled due to a rather concerted action to flag posts and then run off to Agoracom. Saying that posts only get pulled for a violation of Agoracom's 6 rules seems to stretch one's credulity at times. Frankly, I do not believe that to be entirely factual. And one doesn't have to be overly suspicious to question if it were possible that hidden agendas could have been at work from those who had "standing" on this board or could have had an impact on flagging or aiding the pulling of some posts.

I dont think it's too much to ask for people to "man" up and have a bit of respect for this board and for themselves. I think it was fairly obvious who the false friend agenda artists were, a blind man with a blind seeing eye dog could see that...Didn't Aretha Franklin once have a song out entitled "Who's zoomin' who?" Let's start by limiting running off to Agoracom every time our ox is being gored. Agoracom would probably appreciate it.

almost 15 years ago
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