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Re: The Great Train Robbery

I to hope its not the case for ECU, but I can see it as a effective strategies for large miners to go after more reserves.

over 13 years ago
The Great Train Robbery

This is from another blog. It fits ECU.

Here's how the Wall Street Gang works:The Gang depress the stock price by shorting it, even if they lose money, because that is not where they will make their millions.Shareholders are greatly disheartened to watch the gold price moving up and their stock price moving sideways or down.The Gang offers to buy the stock for a percentage above market.The stockholderssee the offer as a gift and jump at the chance.The Gang covers their short position at a much lower price then covering within the market.Then the Gang controls the production of the company and stockholders have lost.The huge potential in earnings has just been stolen away from the naive shareholders who have no idea that they have just been robbed.

over 13 years ago
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