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Happy Friday

I was called by the RCMP today and provided with an update that they have been investigating individuals who manage SLI for the past 17 months and at this time they don’t have enough evidence of intent to proceed with criminal charges. I was told intent of fraud is a very hard charge to prove. I was told they could reopen the case and proceed if they had a witness come forward who could help prove intent. The RCMP are packaging all of their documents and providing them to the securities commission. Apparently the securities commission has a much lower threshold to proceed with punitive action than the RCMP. I was also told that the securities commission investigation was put on hold while the RCMP investigation was active (this is the standard protocol). I thanked the Constable for the call as I thought concerns from SLI shareholders were falling on deaf ears. The Constable told me they had a lot of resources working very hard on this case and have accumulated a large file for the securities commission’s reference.

over 10 years ago
Re: My thoughts on the recent decision

Thank you Stewie for your post. I appreciate and agree with your points.

We lost this battle. Let's learn from this and move on.

I think we should contact the RCMP and BCSC and see if they need any assistance with anything.

over 11 years ago
Re: New Release

I'm very sad to hear this and I feel sorry for Lori M., her management and the V.SLI Board. Hopefully the court and/or the RCMP can help them before they harm the company or themselves anymore than they already have. Our legal team, the court and the RCMP have my full support.

over 11 years ago
Re: News Release from The Company (Lori)

This is soo good to read. Especially the part where my guys turned Lori and her team down. I feel happier knowing that Lori and her crew are on the ropes. She's wasted too much of our time already. Let's end this and rid ourselves of this garbage.

Please help land the knock out punch and contribute to the dissisent legal fund.


over 11 years ago
Re: Email replys

Good to hear Mimi!

I recieved another reply from the V.TSX today and they indicated they have a file open already on SLI and provided me with an inquiry log number.

I agree that the more people sharing our concerns with the regulators the better! And of course - donations to the legal fund are needed.

Although I hope we don't need to go to court, I think it will happen and we need to be ready.


over 11 years ago
Re: Choice

wally2shu- I think the company governs itself by what is called articles of incorporation. And somehow within these articles what Lori has done is within 'those' rules. That is why she has not been thrown out already. The rules for everyone else are governed by the courts - and once we drag Lori and her crew through the court of law and judge will tell us all what we already know... Lori and her team are crooks. Once we have that ruling the regulators will toss her b/c of the criminal court ruling.....

hence the important legal fund that needs all of our support.... without a judge, Lori and team wil continue to what they have done over and over and over. With some $$ and presentation to the court and we can turn this all around.

This is my simplified understanding of our situation (and my opinion only).

over 11 years ago
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