cwallace's Profile

gold bug, peace loving, family man. Stocks of interest: NOT FWR PGD ENA DBL

cwallace's Posts

As for NOT, the bidding has started at 86 cents.

Good evening Noront

This is a very big deal for NOT.

There have been a few things I have been waiting for in hopes of getting the share price moving:

1. A second Nickel find to match Eagle One.

2. The entrance of a major.

I'll continue to wait for number 1. I'm not sure if Baosteel is what I had in mind for number 2... none the less, it is substantial.

The dillution, could be worse. The standstill agreement- fine. Baosteel is likely our whiteknight just as Cliff's turned into FWR's.

If Cliff's is going to do anything, I suspect they would act sooner then later. The reasoning, why let NOT further define their resource or discover something new? Why let Baosteel gain more comfort in the project or a larger footing in the area. Why let NOT's share price move higher. If Cliff's actually wants or needs NOT, we should find out in 2011.

Final thoughts,

I will be shocked if all the chrome in the ROF doesn't end up in the hands of a singular chrome dealer/supplier. From my perspective, that would mean the eventual bidder for NOT hasn't emerged in the ROF, and also implies CLF's is a target.

As for NOT, the bidding has started at 86 cents.

Assuming the credit markets don't seize, NOT's share price looks very attractive.



over 13 years ago
Corporate presentation - page 10

Good afternoon,

"Initial Tonnage Potential:
Potential for 15 to 25 Million tonnes down to 1000 meters (3280 feet) in T1 and T2 Zones. Bulk sampling yields at least 3g/t for the presently known mineralized zones"

I am reading the new corporate presentation and it looks like we have changed our expectations for tonnage...reduced expectations.

Long term, I have no doubt the goal is much higher tonnage. Although lower then the 100 million tonnes that has been bantered about, this is a good starting point. Perhaps we can over deliver.

The comparison on page 11 to agnico eagle is warranted.

Just an observation... hoping these guys get this thing moving. best of luck



ps, sorry if this has already been discussed, i've been off the board for awhile.

almost 14 years ago
Comments on the corporate presentation

Good evening PGD

By the way, I'm long.

To quote Braveheart, "Some men are longer then others." I digress.

I read the presentation again and picked out a few items. Any comments are appreciated.
I know gold, silver, and base metals.... diamonds aren't my forte.
That said, when I subscribed to Kaiser, numerous people told me to pay attention when he gets behind a diamond stock... I am a listener. Mrs Wallace thinks I have and ego. And my daughter thinks I'm gassy. Take it or leave it!

• Peregrine has operated all exploration programs and will operate again in 2011. A 7% management fee is payable to Peregrine.
• Each party markets their pro-rata share of the diamonds. If BHP Billiton sole finances a feasibility study, they retain 100% of the marketing rights for the first 3 years of diamond production.

cwallace comment: The management fee is not small potatoes. But, the marketing is important. I'm not sure if the first years will be the highest production, but, they will be higher then the last years. They get 100% instead of pro rated... that is something important in this business. How the cards are played, who knows.
I suspect BHP will be in, but, not surprised either way. BHP has too much money and cash flow, even with POT considerations, to mess around. If they don't opt in, I have no doubt the cat and mouse game is on.

5 of 18 kimberlites tested by Peregrine at Chidliak and reported to date have economic potential: CH-1, CH-6, CH-7, CH-28 and CH-31
– All five have produced coarse diamonds

cwallace comment: a .277 batting average won't get you in the hall of fame in Baseball... pretty high in this sport.

“The microdiamond results from CH-6 are some of the strongest I have seen in my 28 year career in diamond exploration, and to my knowledge, are the best publicly disclosed microdiamond results from a Canadian kimberlite since the discovery of the A-154 at DiavikTM 1994 ” – Brooke Clements of Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.
cwallace: re-read this line for an hour. make this your manta.


almost 14 years ago
Re: ATC's time nears.

Misty, you are bang on.

ATC, has run up and up. I said to a few friends, I've found my second Noront.

ATC trades the same, up until it moved through 7.50.. then i got thinking it's trading different... it didn't get turned back when it should or could have. It went higher.

When ATC was chopping between 7.49 and 6.50, I felt the same twinges as I did in NOT... I waited and feared what was coming. Then ATC moved higher.

I subscribe to Kaiser, ATC has been on the radar for a long time.

The simple thing is: either it's much bigger or it's not. Get your ticket or sell your ticket... either way, it's a bet. Perhaps we wait for next season for it to prove up or down, not sure.

The land package doesn't justify 500 million more in market cap, unless it is reasonable to guess 180 km long package has something more in it.... remains to be seen.

I will follow the results from the osiris region... isis, conrad, eaton.

This will create or eliminate blue sky... whether there is more gold in between or not, if substantial results occur, at osiris, etc, we go higher as the market will speculate in fact.

buy or don't buy... shit or get off the pot. As of now, few care about atc, or smd... a little blue sky is needed.



almost 14 years ago
ATC's time nears.

As Misty River stated earlier, ATC is one of the hottest stocks with substantial upside potential, and yet very few followers. One page of posts on this board takes us back to June. Usually there is some excitement on the boards when a stock moves from under $2 to $8. Perhaps retail just missed this one.

No question there is a set of results to come from Osiris, Isis, Conrad and Eaton that will help establish if this stock goes vertical now or later. I'm hoping for something that can open up the "can of blue sky," and take us into orbit. Substantial results would shift the Yukon into a higher gear, and make ATC a must own for institutions.

I remember when ARU went crazy, it ended up a top holding of just about every PM mutual fund. Whether they owned it early or midway through the run, fund managers had to show it on their books to make it look like they knew the stock that would go from 60 cents to around $40... i digress, but the gist is there. Good results and we are a must own for everyone.

SMD is a no brainer if Yukon fever hits.

Best of luck to all long ATC. Looking forward to something significant from Osiris.



almost 14 years ago
Re: 1.15 carat diamond from CH-31.....

You have hit it on the head Canseco.

It feels like we are riding a stick of dynamite whose fuse has been lit.

Many answers to come between now and Christmas. It's been a long wait, but, everything is coming together...

Ready for lift off!



almost 14 years ago
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