ctw's Profile

Wage slave seeking financial freedom: Am creative, patient, have long term strategic vision, willing to take risk and fight for what I believe in. Currently with ideas. Need working capital to go entrepreneurial. Not seeking donation at this time.

ctw's Posts

Re: Shareholder action

I will NOT be opting in.

Firstly, opting in will relinquish my voting rights to GROWLING. Without knowing what we might be voting on, it would not be wise to give up my rights. I can always vote with them if it is in my best interest.

Secondly, however small, there is a cost. And for those with a lot of shares, it can be in the thousands.

Finally, the judge’s lack of enthusiasm for the committee leads me to believe that they might not be acting in the interest of all the shareholders.

They have my moral support for reclaiming as big a piece of the pie for shareholders as possible, but I’ll be keeping the steering wheels in my own hands.

over 8 years ago
Re: Standing applause


12sec response time?! Must be automated..... Not like I have anything to leak.

almost 11 years ago
Re: Revoked Shares??? Osmo

Fung took the time to sit with me and talk despite having a flare up of sciatica and being in pain.

Sciatica, I use to suffer from that. I finally fixed it by doing this


Maybe if he workout enough, he'll end up looking like this guy


I use to do it horizontally, but found out holding my breath for extended periods is not healthy. I use a pair of zoomer fins and hold it 5 minutes at a time, doubt I can hold it for more than a minute without them. He might want to start with the frog kick first.

almost 11 years ago

Dear Sirs,

How much to get you a cup of joe?


almost 12 years ago
Re: I dont know nutin!

*I dont know nutin*

Me neither, just guessing at everything (busy mind). I’m just throwing some BS out there because somebody asked, and because I'm bored. It’s time to go back to stealth mode.

Dive, Dive...

about 12 years ago
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